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New districts, Guides set to further Adventure
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:On July 1, the new alignment of districts went into effect and several changes were made in the conference staff. By Melissa Lauber UMConnection Staff On July 1, 85 pastors in the Baltimore-Washington Conference moved to new appointments. Among these changes were several conference...

New bishop to be elected
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Teaser:Electing a new bishop and considering a change in annual conference borders will be on the agenda when the Northeastern Jurisdiction meets July 14-18 in Harrisburg, Pa. BY MELISSA LAUBER UMCONNECTION STAFF "Called, competent, compassionate, committed to ministering to those in the...

United Methodists join prayers for peace in Zimbabwe
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:Christian groups are calling for the Zimbabwe government to end violence, postpone presidential runoff election. A UMNS Report By Linda Bloom* Both the United Nations and ecumenical Christian groups are calling upon the government of Zimbabwe to end the violence there and postpone the...

Renewal: Whose job is it?
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Courageous Space, a newsletter for Leadership and congregational development, recently sent out the following piece on "Renewal: whose job is it?" To read more, visit BY DAN SMITH AND MARY K. (SELLON) HUYCKE If you're a layperson in a congregation that's...

Young adults explore social justice in D.C.
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Teaser:Young adults from across the world are working in United Methodist internships this summer in Washington, D.C.BY KATHY L. GILBERT UNITED METHODIST NEWS SERVICE Juliana Abe, a native of Côte d'Ivoire, is exploring a different culture and country while she works for the rights of...

Church builds on Hospitality
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BY MELISSA LAUBER UMCONNECTION STAFF A hundred years ago the words "Gott ist gut," or "God is good" echoed through the pews of Salem UMC in Baltimore. Today, worshipers proclaim "Alabado sea el Señor" - God be praised. In 1901, Salem was started in the...

Shalom comes to city's streets
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BY MELISSA LAUBER UMCONNECTION Three days after Ty'wonde Jones, 13, was stabbed to death last month, his blood still stained the grass and dirt in Northwest Baltimore. The police identified Jones as the 268th of 269 homicides in the city this year, the 28th under the age of 18. Jones...

Lovely Lane museum opens new space
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:The conference’s museum in Baltimore was recently provided with new displace space to exhibit a number of historic documents and relics. BY LINDA WORTHINGTON UMCONNECTION STAFF The Lovely Lane Museum has expanded to better tell the story of Methodism's past to the public and...

Zimbabwe aid offered
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:The United Methodist Committee on Relief is providing humanitarian assistance in politically charged Zimbabwe. BY LINDA BLOOM UNITED METHODIST NEWS SERVICE The United Methodist Committee on Relief is providing humanitarian assistance in politically charged Zimbabwe. UMCOR responded...