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Gunfire disrupts service at Unity
Posted by Bwcarchives on

By Shaun Lane UMConnection Staff As nearly 300 people sat inside Unity UMC April 21, mourning the death of Anthony Lamont Izzard, Sr. - killed April 11 - they listened to a message on the need to stop the violence in Baltimore City. During the sermon, witnesses say at least eight shots were...

Standing in awe of God's glory
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:If our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence (boldness) before God and receive from him anything we ask, because we keep his commands and do what pleases him. John 3:21-24 BY GLEN STRICKLER Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence (boldness) before God...

VIM team rebuilds homes, creates sanctuary (2)
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:A team from Washington Grove UMC teamed up with members of its community to help rebuild a home in Mississippi destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. BY JUDY SMITH YOUNG Special to the UMConnection In August 2005, hearts all over our conference were broken by the devastation and loss from...

UMM to clean up cemetery
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:United Methodist Men are calling for volunteers to help them clean up the historic Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Baltimore May 17. Mt. Auburn Cemetery, an historic African-American burial ground in Baltimore, is the final resting place of 48,000 famous and ordinary people. It is also the newest...

Retirees delivered nearly 1000 years of service
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:Thirty-six pastors will retire this May. A few of them look back at their ministry and ahead to a new calling. BY LINDA WORTHINGTON UMCONNECTION STAFF The 2008 retirement class is a large one; with 36 members, it is 40 percent larger than last year's group of 21 retirees. Of the class...

Bid to save lives
Posted by Bwcarchives on

How much money would you bid to safeguard the life of a child? The lives of 100 children? For $10, Nothing But Nets, a United Methodist-sponsored program, will provide an insecticide-treated bed net to a child in Africa that will protect him from malaria. At annual conference, local churches...

A Future with Hope: The BWC at General Conference
Posted by Bwcarchives on

General Conference 2008 Members of the Baltifmore-Washington Conference were an integral part of the General Conference, the quadrennial meeting of the worldwide United Methodist Church, held April 23 through May 2 in Fort Worth, Texas. The 16-member delegation, made up of eight lay and...

Prayer in Korean church leaves lasting impression
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:Local clergy learned about new ways of prayer and Korean hospitality during a recent visit. BY ROD MILLER Special to the UMConnection After spending eight days in Korea hosted by our sister conference, the South Conference of the Korea Methodist Church, my most lasting impression is...

VIM team rebuilds homes, creates sanctuary
Posted by Bwcarchives on

BY JUDY SMITH YOUNG Special to the UMConnection In August 2005, hearts all over our conference were broken by the devastation and loss from hurricane Katrina. Many of us felt called to respond. Six people from our church were joined by five people from the town of Washington Grove, to...

272 churches achieve Acts 2 fruit
Posted by Bwcarchives on

A listing of churches that have achieved three Acts 2 fruits in the past three years By Shaun Lane UMConnection Staff Acts 2 churches are filled with the Spirit, led by the Spirit, experience authentic Christian community and bear fruit. When Bishop John Schol, episcopal leader of the...