News and Views

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A Lenten Prayer
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By the Rev. Tony Love I Need You Now, Lord  As I begin this sacred journey,A traveler owning my sin, faults, and failure, Moving outward to embrace Your gifts of love, grace, and redemption,  I need You.  I need YouTo call me out, firmly in truth.To cause me to face my stuff...

Faithful Stewardship with Dr. Daryl Williams
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The Rev. Daryl Williams is chair of the Baltimore-Washington Conference Council on Finance and Administration. At the beginning of every year, I look back at the year that was in order to assess the year that was. As I look back at 2024, I am overwhelmed by what a tremendous year 2024 was for...

Rev. Carroll A. Doggett Tribute
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From Rev. Doggett's Family The Rev. Carroll A. Doggett died Nov. 1, on All Saint’s Day, after 101 years of a well-lived life. He left with luggage filled with good works; ministering to the congregants of the United Methodist churches he served, officiating at marriage ceremonies, and...

Statement and Prayer from the BWC Queer Clergy Caucus
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Offered by the Rev. Chet Jechura on May 30 Bishop, I rise in the company of the Baltimore-Washington Conference Queer Clergy Caucus – beloved friends and faithful colleagues in ministry with whom I’m blessed to serve. Some of us, including myself, once banned from ordained ministry...

The BLESS model for evangelism
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By Bill Brown Evangelism is a word that often elicits mixed emotions, especially for those of us who are United Methodists. For many, it conjures memories of encounters with judgmental zealots, overly aggressive preachers, and individuals who seem more focused on converting others than on...

A Little Tenderness
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By Rev. Ginger Gaines-Cirelli Because of the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to shine upon those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. -- Luke 1:78-79 (Song of Zechariah) For many months leading up to this...

The Church Building as Ministry
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By Rev. Curtis Ehrgott A football team has eleven players, but having a home-field advantage is like having a twelfth man. The stadium gives support to the home team and loudly shouts at critical moments to throw off the opponents. In ministry, we tend to our community by supporting the...

Stained glass illuminates our story
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  By Calleigh Hoffman  One of my most distinct childhood memories is of wandering the church after service. I would sneak away while my parents stood and talked to the congregation members. If I was lucky, the lights would've been shut off by then. I remember opening the...