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Help wanted announcements
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Please help us serve you better. Below is a list of job vacancies at the Conference Center. We know there are talented people in the pews who feel a calling to work for the church. These opportunities provide an excellent benefits package, including health and disability insurances, retirement...

New committee to study apportionments
Posted by Bwcarchives on

BY SHAUN LANE The Council on Finance and Administration (CFA) of the Baltimore Washington Conference has established a permanent sub-committee to continue the work that was started in 2007 by the Apportionment Task Force. The Connectional Giving Committee will closely examine the apportionment...

District realignment approved
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:The Rev. Anthony Hunt leads the discussion on realignment of districtsBY SHAUN LANE In an initiative aimed at better allocating conference resources to help all churches become Acts 2 congregations, the members of the Baltimore-Washington Conference overwhelmingly passed a proposal to...

State of the Church Address 2008
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:"Extreme disciples are believers who are willing to risk it all for a Kingdom adventure," said Bishop John Schol. View the entire State of the Church address here United Methodists throughout the Baltimore-Washington Conference are living out their discipleship in bold, audacious and...

Episcopal Address/State of the Church Address
Posted by Bwcarchives on

State of the church address MAY 22, 2008 JOHN R. SCHOL, BISHOP THE BALTIMORE-WASHINGTON CONFERENCE "I have come that you might have life and that you might have it abundantly." (John 10:10) "For what does it profit a person to gain the whole world and lose their soul?"...

Obituary - Mary H. Bartlett
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Mary H. Bartlett, 95, the wife of the late Rev. Robert L. Bartlett Sr., died at her home in Cherryfield, Maine, April 12. A memorial service was held April 17. Mary Tillery was a widow when she and Robert Bartlett married in 1972, just as he retired from active ministry. He continued serving...

Hope is released
Posted by Bwcarchives on

BY MELISSA LAUBER As all the tribes of The United Methodist Church gathered in Fort Worth for General Conference, they did their best to conjure hope by creating a liturgy that could transform the business of the session. Even the dry, analytical finance report took on spirit when Bishop...

God's moving Spirit
Posted by Bwcarchives on

By Laura Easto The United Methodist Church is the church of my childhood and the choice of my adulthood and vocation. I don't always agree with where we are but I hold fast to a belief that we are moving with the Spirit of God. It is such an honor to represent this annual conference at both...

Retired pastor reflects on balance and new call
Posted by Bwcarchives on

BY DAVID HIGHFIELD "When you retire, does that mean that you will no longer be a man of God?" That was the question that Joey, a teen, asked me as I approached retirement after 39 years as an ordained pastor in The United Methodist Church. Now I no longer have the full-time...

Baltimore realignment offers opportunities
Posted by Bwcarchives on

BY EUGENE MATTHEWS As United Methodists we believe in connectionalism and the potential of congregations working together. We also believe that God's ministry unfolds in the local church. This May at annual conference, members will be able to strengthen the ministry of the connection and...