Showing items for 'Bwcarchives'
Teaser:The Maryland Commission on Capital Punishment is exploring a repeal of the death penalty. United Methodists are urging those opposed to state-sponsored executions to voice their opinions.BY SARA KLEMMJust as the 2008 session of the Maryland General Assembly was coming to a frenzied end, a...
By Shaun LaneUMConnection StaffShe slept peacefully on the air mattress. The sounds around her barely caused her to shift positions.Two-year-old Ariyanna's day begins at 8 a.m. and does not end until 6 p.m. She's tired from the grueling 10-hour routine, and her posture suggests that no one is...
School of Church Leadership | School of Certified Lay Minister | School of Certified Lay Speaker | Discipleship Academy Home PageCERTIFIED LAY MINISTER FACT SHEETWhat is a Certified Lay Minister?The Certified Lay Minister (CLM) is a position that was created by the 2004 session of the General...
Willa Canby Morgan, 97, the widow of the late Rev. Charles Morgan, died at Asbury Methodist Village July 16, six months after her husband's death. The Rev. Harry C. Cole officiated at a funeral service July 18. She married retired associate pastor, Charles Morgan, a widower, in 1992. He had...
The Rev. DePriest Wolfford Whye Sr., 78, died July 6, at his home. The Rev. Eugene Matthews delivered the eulogy at the Celebration of Life Service July 11, at John Wesley UMC in Baltimore. Whye was superintendent of the Washington East district from August 1984 until he was appointed to John...
Teaser:Buoyant faith can keep us afloat, do you dare try to walk on water?Matthew 14:22-32BY GEORGE DEFORDI have always been fascinated with being in and around water. From my early boyhood days of swimming in open water on Kent Island, Scout camp or swim teams in high school, I have enjoyed the...
Teaser:The United Methodist position on firearms stands in direct contrast to a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision to end the ban handgun possession in Washington, D.C.By Marta AldrichUnited Methodist News ServiceOn June 26, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the District of Columbia's 32-year...
Teaser:Our faith enables us to move beyond our vulnerabilities, Bishop Susan Morrison told those gathered at Bishop Peggy Johnson’s consecration service.In a poem, Father Kilian McDonnell tells an ancient story. The gist is this: "Now the Lord said to Abram, ‘Go from your...
Teaser:The Rev. Bruce Birch of Wesley Theological Seminary recently led a team in the creation of a new Study Bible designed to make the Scripture relevant in people’s lives.By Bruce C. BirchMore than five years ago I was invited to address the Publications Committee of the National...
Teaser:Sometimes growth means being willing to take the next step, to venture into new territory and see horizons in new ways. A conversation with a church planter, a challenge to be audacious in ministry and resources to grow leaders and churches are featured in this section of the...