Showing items for 'Bwcarchives'
Teaser:Havre de Grace UMC reaches out to the Occupy Wall Street walkers. When the participants in the Occupy Wall Street movement walked 240 miles from New York to Washington D.C., the Rev. Norman Obenshain and members of Havre de Grace UMC provided hospitality. The walkers made their way...
Teaser:D.S. and artist Chris Holmes shares thoughts on creating a colorful, spirit-rich life. BY CHRIS HOLMES Living a colorful, meaningful and amazing life each day is an art of the highest degree. Truthfully, most of us struggle to experience daily life somewhere between the mundane and the...
Teaser:How to keep, grow, and maintain a healthy endowment fund. BY JACK BROOKS When working as an investment advisor I was frequently asked by clients about the magic number of dollars needed to retire comfortably. At the heart of the discussion was not so much the actual dollars needed today...
BY LINDA WORTHINGTON UMCONNECTION STAFF Vital churches that remain vital do two things, said the Rev. Lovett Weems in the opening plenary of the Connect with Your Neighbors conference at Wesley Seminary Nov. 5, held in the renovated chapel on the seminary's campus. They connect people to God...
MIGUEL MAIRENA Ser misionero en estos tiempos, pasa por reconocer que somos llamados a servir en el ejemplo de Jesús, quien sin preguntar quién era, que creencia tenían las personas, siempre estuvo dispuesto a extender la mano a los más necesitados. Elvin Huembes...
BY MIGUEL MAIRENA Read this in Spanish. To be a missionary today means to recognize that we are called to serve in the example of Jesus, who was always willing to extend his hand to those in need, never asking who they were or what were their beliefs. Elvin Huembes is a young 21-year-old man...
Teaser:Bishop Schol recaps decisions and events from the fall Council of Bishops meeting. Dear Sisters and Brothers, Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have recently returned from our Council of Bishops meeting where 120 active and retired bishops...
Frances Molly Clulow, 87, the wife of the late Rev. Glenn F. Clulow, died Oct. 28, 2011, in Arcadia, Fla., where she had lived for 30 years. A memorial service was held Nov. 3 at Trinity UMC in Arcadia. Molly Smith, as she was known by friends and family, and Glenn Clulow met and married while...
Teaser:UMs gather in Ellicott City to consult on partnerships with church in Russia. BY MELISSA LAUBER UMCONNECTION STAFF The path to growing United Methodist churches in Russia is not a straight one, but it is one Bishops Hans Växby and John Schol have covenanted to travel together. On...
Mary Lawrence Forkel, 90, the wife of the Rev. Frederick W. Forkel, a retired Elder, died Oct. 23 in Catonsville. A Service of Witness to the Resurrection was held Oct. 27 at the Catonsville Presbyterian Church. Forkel sang in the choir at Catonsville High School, from which she graduated in...