Showing items for 'Bwcarchives'
Teaser:Bishop Schol writes this month about discipleship. Jesus sent the disciples out into the community and said: Carry no purse, no bag, no sandals; and greet no one on the road. Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house!' And if anyone is there who shares in peace...
Teaser:On the second anniversary of the earthquake, churches gear up to serve. BY ACE PARSI SPECIAL TO THE UMCONNECTION This last August, our region was struck by a 5.9 level earthquake. That event, a mere inconvenience, reminded me of the devastating 7.0 level earthquake our brothers and...
1) Linking to Other Churches-While our individual churches' efforts will be important in these remembrance activities, our efforts will be enhanced and multiplied through collective action. This can happen by getting best practices from other churches, sharing resources, and raising...
The Rev. John D. Snowden Jr., 77, a retired Elder, died after a lengthy illness Nov. 5, 2011, two weeks before his 78th birthday. A wake was held Nov. 13 at Brooks UMC in St. Leonard, followed by a funeral service Nov. 14 at Union Bethel AME in Brandywine, where he worshipped. He answered the...
This article from the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women in The United Methodist Church (GCSRW) focuses on the potential impact of Call to Action on women. How do you think the Call to Action can help - or hinder - women in the church, both lay and ordained?
Tim McClendon, a district superintendent in the South Carolina conference, writes about the reorganization proposals. Do you believe the current proposal is the right approach to move the church forward?
The Methodist Federation for Social Action recently wrote about the proposed reorganization of boards and agencies, offering some alternative suggestions. What would you suggest with respect to the proposals for reorganization?
The Rt. Rev. Kirk Smith, Episcopal Bishop of Arizona, shares a list of ideas for getting young people to come to church, originally compiled by a young adult in his diocese. What ideas would you add to this list?
Sky McCracken, superintendent, Paducah district, Memphis Conference, encourages readers not to give up on the Call to Action in this commentary. How do you view the Call to Action's potential in improving the work of the church?
Teaser:Gifts for needy children were recently stolen from a Hagerstown church. A break-in at a United Methodist church in Hagerstown has area police scratching their heads and church members intent on focusing on the joy of the season. Following a Scout meeting on Monday evening, Dec. 5...