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United Methodist pastors called to serve
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:UM pastors are called out of their pulpits to serve as chaplains. A UMNS Report By Kathy L. Gilbert* Sept. 14, 2011 | (UMNS) The Rev. Dale C. White (center), chaplain and Navy captain, was deployed in Iraq for 13 months. A UMNS web-only photo courtesy of Capt. Dale C. White...

Churches observe Hispanic Heritage Month
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Teaser:Area UMs celebrate Hispanic Heritage with ministry. BY LINDA WORTHINGTON UMCONNECTION STAFF Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month, a time to celebrate the culture, heritage and ministries of Hispanic people in the churches and to extend the welcome to Latino people to come to...

Accountability measures point toward faithfulness
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Teaser:The Rev. Karen Greenwaldt highlights the importance of accountability. Karen Greenwaldt BY KAREN GREENWALDT Special Contributor Sheila Peters, associate professor of psychology and chair of the psychology department at Fisk University, recently said, "Assessment means...

Prayer for discernment for new bishops
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:Join the conference in a prayer for discernment. O God of the people, God of the church, God of our fragile faith: Throughout our days we turn to leaders to direct us, to guide us, to show us the way to deeper faith and better lives.  O God, you have placed in our lives and...

UMs called to discern candidates for episcopacy
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:October is a time of discernment as UMs consider who might be called to serve as a bishop. Three new bishops are expected to be elected at the Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference (NEJ) when it meets July 16-20, 2012 in Charleston, W.Va. The three bishops elected will replace three...

On the Tenth Anniversary of 9/11
Posted by Bwcarchives on

On behalf of the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church I greet you in the name of Jesus the Christ in whom "all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven…."...

9-11 reflection
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:The Rev. Erik Alsgaard looks back on how the Sept. 11 tragedy swept away our certainty and helped us reimagine God. BY ERIK ALSGAARD I used to think I was in control of my life. Prior to 9/11, life was predictable, normal. Get up in the morning, get the kids off to school, take the Metro...

United Methodists step up to feed their neighbors
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:Methodists in Dundalk support elderly neighbors without electricity. BY LINDA WORTHINGTONThe 84 restricted and low income seniors in the Dunmanway apartment complex across the street from Dundalk UMC lost their power Friday night, Aug. 26, when Hurricane Irene struck the area. It was...

World Methodist family called to respond to Fiji
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:Methodists are called to the aid of the church in Fiji. When the World Methodist Council met earlier this month in Durban, South Africa, there was joy and applause at the announcement that the government in Fiji would allow the Methodist Church of Fiji and Rotuma to hold its Conference...