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Learning mission
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Teaser:Haiti, justice and global missions were the themes of this year’s Cooperative School of Christian Mission. BY LINDA WORTHINGTON UMCONNECTION STAFF The planners for this year's School of Christian Mission decided to do a hands-on collection of flip-flops to send to Haiti, the...

Planting faith
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Teaser:A new faith community for unchurched young adults is being created in Hanover. BY CARRIE MADREN UMCONNECTION CORRESPONDENT Two years ago, as a student at Wesley Theological Seminary, the Rev. David Shank hatched a plan to build a brand-new faith community for unchurched young adults. It...

Imagine, then act
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Teaser:Changing the world can be tricky; it can also be exactly what God wants you to do. BY MANDY SAYERS On Oct. 8-10, all United Methodist churches in the Conference are being asked to participate in something called "Change the World Weekend." When I heard about it, I was a little...

Vital churches share common characteristics
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Teaser:Highly effective congregations grow, engage more people in ministry and are more generous in giving to mission, says Bishop Schol. A UMNS Feature By Barbara Dunlap-Berg* 7:00 A.M. EDT August 8, 2011 Members of the Silent Witness Mime Troupe, based at Mount Zion United Methodist...

Renewed and challenged through reading
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Teaser:Four readers reflect on how summer reading selections changed their outlook. COMPILED BY CARRIE MADREN UMCONNECTION CORRESPONDENT To purchase the books referenced, click on the book covers or links where provided. The Rev. Rodney Thomas Smothers, lead pastor at St. Paul-Corkran...

A letter from the bishop - August 2011
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Teaser:Bishop discusses commitments made during Annual Conference session in a monthly column. During our time together at the 227th annual conference session, I, along with other conference leaders, shared with you several ways in which the conference was committed to partnering with passionate...

Youth dive into summer camp fun
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Teaser:1,112 youth from around the Baltimore-Washington area head to camp. BY CHRISTIE ZIMMERMAN UMCONNECTION STAFF Fun, friends and faith – that's what summer camp is all about at Manidokan and West River. From learning to canoeing or sailing, to braving high ropes courses and learning a...

Encounter: Youth discovers,'God has a plan for me'
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:A young adult recalls ROCK's powerful impact on her life. BY LAUREN STITZLEIN I have been a Christian for seven years now, because I became born again when I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and committed to live my life for him on the floor of the Ocean City Convention Center...