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Simple act can save lives
Posted by Bwcarchives on

article reprinted from the UMConnection: Letters to the Editor August 18, 2004 On-line VOL. 15, NO. 15 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Simple act can save lives On July 4th my wife's cousin lost her 19-year-old daughter in a tragic automobile accident. Micah Heckman had everything...

Christian education tools make new disciples
Posted by Bwcarchives on

article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary AUGUST 20, 2003 On-line VOL. 14, NO. 15 NEWS On the Web Disciple: services.disciple.asp Christian Believer: christianbeliever/ Alpha: Article: Alpha keeps the faith real...

Volunteers now sought for La Plata
Posted by Bwcarchives on

article reprinted from the United Methodist Connection JULY 3, 2002 On-line VOL. 13, NO. 12      Volunteers now sought for La Plata By Melissa Lauber UMConnection Staff The community of La Plata, which was struck by a tornado in April, is now ready to receive...

Middle Highers march in God's army
Posted by Bwcarchives on

NEWS   More than 50 middle high youth gathered for fun, fellowship, and to become a part of 'God's army' at the Middle High Retreat March 11-13 at West River Retreat Center. The youth were given cameras to capture a bit of their experiences. It was a time for renewal, commitment...

God's invitation is open to all
Posted by Bwcarchives on

 WALKING IN THE WORD    'Wehave beeninvitedtoGod'sbanquetfor a purpose.'   BY ROD MILLERExodus 32: 1-14Philippians 4:1-9Matthew 22: 1-14My wife Carol and I recently went to see the movie 'The March of the Penguins.' A wonderful story, it is...

Learning to become a truly global church
Posted by Bwcarchives on

By Sandy FergusonWhen John Wesley, Methodism?s founder, penned the words 'the world is my parish,' I don?t think he had any idea of their full implication. How could he, 300 years ago, imagine a woman from Baltimore singing the same Methodist hymns with Gypsies in Bulgaria? The global church is...

Cooperation makes shelter life easier
Posted by Bwcarchives on

COLUMBIA - From November through March, communities open 'roaming shelters' that move from church to church, week by week to provide beds, warmth, meals and fellowship to homeless people during the coldest months. Churches make their space available and volunteers provide the services. Often a...

Stewardship Convocation to go beyond money
Posted by Bwcarchives on

article reprinted from the UMConnection: News September 1, 2004 On-line VOL. 15, NO. 16 NEWS     Stewardship convocation to go beyond money By David E. Bohnert UMCONNECTION CORRESPONDENTStewardship has been described as the lifeblood of any vital church. In October...