Showing items for 'Bwcarchives'
Ecclesiastes 9:7-10By Ramon E. McDonald IIChristmas 2006 found our assistant pastor, Tony Scoglio, in critical condition with a life threatening infection. As I write these words, his earthly life hangs in the balance of God?s will and human technology. I thank God his eternal life has been...
In Romans 8:38-39 Paul assures us that nothing ?in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.? He did not, however, assure us that nothing will be able to separate us from full participation in the life of Christ?s church.Many of us, especially as we...
article reprinted from the UMConnection: News August 18, 2004 On-line VOL. 15, NO. 15 NEWS New superintendents announced By Melissa Lauber UMCONNECTION STAFF Hunt The Rev. C. Anthony Hunt has been appointed to serve as superintendent of the Baltimore-Harford...
article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary AUGUST 20, 2003 On-line VOL. 14, NO. 15 NEWS Volunteers Needed Volunteers are currently being sought for on-going ministries in the Milton Avenue and Oliver Street community. If you are interested in participating contact the...
article reprinted from the United Methodist Connection JUNE 5, 2002 On-line VOL. 13, NO. 11 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Tornado less disastrous than initially feared I feel the need to respond to the Rev. Bob Hunters commentary How Do We Respond to Disaster? I...
NEWS BY MELISSA LAUBERUMCONNECTION STAFF MELISSA LAUBER/UMCONNECTIONCarl Brown, left, discusses urban ministry at Emory UMC, in Washington.Helping churches move from 'cookie-cutter' outreach to authentic urban ministry was the aim of 'authen-ti-CITY: an Authentic Encounter...
By Ciona Rouse*WAVELAND, Miss. (UMNS) ? Marian Martin searched through the remains of her home on the Gulfside United Methodist Assembly grounds and found her china set in the rubble.'The dishes didn?t break, but the building did,' Martin told Mississippi Bishop Hope Morgan Ward, as they looked...
BY LINDA WORTHINGTONUMCONNECTION STAFFFamily and friends of those clergy, clergy spouses and lay members of conference who have died since annual conference last year were honored guests at the service of remembrance yesterday afternoon. Audience members stood as the Rev Al Clipp, conference...
By Jeanette PinkstonGeneral Board of DiscipleshipFocusing on Healthy Connections: Spirit, Body, and Mind was the theme of a recent Convocation for Pastors of African American Churches, which drew more than 500 church leaders, including more than 20 from the Baltimore-Washington Conference.The...
article reprinted from the UMConnection: News August 18, 2004 On-line VOL. 15, NO. 15 NEWS Bishop Matthews feted at farewell celebration By Linda Worthington UMCONNECTION STAFF 'We are justice carriers, justice seekers and justice keepers,' said Bishop Felton Edwin May as he...