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Church team goes south to help with Katrina relief
Posted by Bwcarchives on

 Eleven members of Mt. Zion UMC, Annapolis, journeyed South, Sept. 12-19, in their church van and a member?s donated van to offer help to victims of Hurricane Katrina.?We went to places where people weren?t receiving any help, where you didn?t see FEMA or the Red Cross anywhere? said Carrie...

Don't just sit there, do something
Posted by Bwcarchives on

By Bishop Violet Fisher In the 10th chapter of Luke, we have an interesting dynamic between two sisters. This is a story that sent conflicting messages to me throughout my childhood. Everybody knew that Martha was the Good Girl, yet Mary is the one Jesus points to as the model, Mary, the...

Pastor publishes two books
Posted by Bwcarchives on

ESSEX - The Rev. Robert Hurley, who retired almost 20 years ago, has published two books in the past two years. He recently held a book signing party at Back River UMC for his latest, 'The Unchanged Word for a Changing World,' which was released in October. Its 220 pages include 32 sermons for...

'What hat are you wearing?' women are asked
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NEWS   BY LINDA WORTHINGTONUMCONNECTION STAFFCHRISTINE KUMAR/UMCONNECTIONNearly 80 women attended the COSROW women's day event March 12, on the theme, 'The Many Hats Women Wear.'Peg Arnold, a member of Memorial UMC in Poolesville, led about 80 women as they gathered for the fifth...

UMCOR tip for volunteers: Make 'AIST,' Not Haste
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Volunteers thinking of travel to Port Arthur, New Orleans, or Gulfport to help with hurricane relief should think before they act, say disaster response officials at the United Methodist Committee on Relief.Hurricanes Rita and Katrina swept through these areas Sept. 24 and Aug. 29, erasing whole...

Connectional moments
Posted by Bwcarchives on

By Melissa LauberAt the recent session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, the Rev. Kimberly Hall of Mt. Zion UMC in Clarksville was on stage teaching people about the second element of the Discipleship Adventure: connecting.She offered a number of practical tips to the 1,939 members seated...

Clergyman sculpts child's head
Posted by Bwcarchives on

CROFTON - When he?s not doing his district superintendent duties or preaching in one of his district?s churches, the Rev. Chris Holmes may be sculpting. He recently completed a bust of a 5-year-old, commissioned by the boy?s father, Michael Bacher of Annapolis.'I couldn?t believe someone wanted...