Showing items for 'Bwcarchives'
Peter DeGrooteWASHINGTON, D.C. ? The February 2005 edition of el Interprete, the Hispanic language edition of The Interpreter, published by United Methodist Communications, includes an article by the Rev. Peter DeGroote, first published in the August 18 edition of the UMConnection and translated...
BY BARBARA COWARDUMCONNECTION CORRESPONDENTVolunteers working in mission have been around since the beginning of the church. But there have been few times in recent history when Christians have been called upon to serve others during a succession of devastating natural disasters such as has...
By Ron FosterSpecial to the UMConnection'This is so much fun - it?s not like real church!' Those were the words of one young person who joined more than 500 people for Bethesda UMC?s 'Confir-Mitzvah' celebration on Pentecost Sunday.Standing before the congregation to profess their faith and...
RIDERWOOD - Hunt?s Memorial UMC is an old church - begun in 1773 - but this fall it will begin a new program to respond to the young families in the community. 'We?ve taken a leap of faith to make disciples by starting a Christian preschool,' said the Rev. Mary Roberts.Eight months into the...
The Drew University Theological School Madison, New Jersey, will be the new home base for Communities of Shalom, a United Methodist program that engages congregations and communities in working together for community development, peace, and wholeness.The General Board of Global Ministries has...
article reprinted from the UMConnection: News December 15, 2004 On-line VOL. 15, NO. 23 NEWS Cookies for Christmas in Iraqby Terri Cofiell Special to the UMConnection Tiffany and Dale Thomas cook at the high school, part of a large effort to bake 11,000 cookies...
article reprinted from the UMConnection: Across the Conference SEPT 17, 2003 On-line VOL. 14, NO. 17 Across The Conference Kids summer camp brings in members MT. RANIER As part of its revitalization ministry, Cedar Lane UMC held a 12-hours-a-day...
article reprinted from the United Methodist Connection September 4, 2002 On-line VOL. 13, NO. 17 Previous page FROM THE EDITOR ERIK ALSGAARD Saving Nikki Mason I received an e-mail this morning bearing witness to the...
Courtesy Hiss UMCMadeline Niner, 85, the surviving spouse of a former pastor, is one of the regulars who pickles Hiss UMC's famous beets.PARKVILLE ? For the past 23 years, Hiss UMC has included pickled beets on the menu at its oyster and ham fund-raising dinner. The custom started when Willie...
BY MELISSA LAUBERUMCONNECTION STAFFIn November, churches are being encouraged to observe National Family Caregiver?s Month. While the practice of caring for infirm family members is as old as time, the dynamics of family caregivers are changing.Although they usually just call themselves 'loving...