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UM History: 5/16/05
Posted by Bwcarchives on

 EDWIN SCHELLBy Edwin Schell A chronology of Methodist history in Baltimore in the Twentieth CenturyMERGERS1922, Evangelical & United Evangelical; 1939, Methodist Episcopal, Methodist Episcopal South & Methodist Protestant; 1946, Evangelical & United Brethren; 1965, Baltimore...

Lessons from Harry Potter during Lent
Posted by Bwcarchives on

BY SAYRE POSEYDuring the annual Lenten suppers this year at my church, the topic was 'The Gospel According to Harry Potter.' We used a gbwc_superusere by Connie Neal. I was very excited about it because all of my best friends at my church are obsessed with the Harry Potter books.Many people...

Three generations march for peace
Posted by Bwcarchives on

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Among the tens of thousands of marchers attending the anti-war protest on the Mall in front of the U.S. Capitol Jan. 27, were members of Dumbarton UMC, who carried their banner calling for peace in Iraq. The crowd included three generations of one family, Amy Houser, her...

Older adults challenged to live the Psalms
Posted by Bwcarchives on

They kept coming and coming, the older adults from throughout the conference, until the registration was exceeded and more chairs were crowded into the dining room of West River Center. Many came by car but small buses brought people from Hughes Memorial, Nottingham Myers and Ebenezer in Lanham...

Bells make a pealing 'noise' for God in Frederick
Posted by Bwcarchives on

December 1, 2004On-lineVOL. 15, NO. 22NEWS  Bells make a pealing 'noise' for God in FrederickBy Melissa LauberUMCONNECTION STAFFMELISSA LAUBER/UMCONNECTIONRingers from the National Cathedral sound the Calvary Memorial Peal'Holy noise' poured forth from Calvary UMC in Frederick Nov. 7...

How $50 changed a community
Posted by Bwcarchives on

KEEDEYSVILLE ? How did you spend your $50? This was the question asked at Salem UMC a year after the Rev. Malcolm Stranathan distributed 30 $50 bills to members of the congregation. The money came from an anonymous woman who gave $1,500 seed money with instructions that it was to help the...