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Walking in the Word: Lead us not into temptation
Posted by Bwcarchives on

 'Only Jesuscan be our gbwc_superusereagainsttemptation.' by Jordan WarnerGenesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7Romans 5:12-19Matthew 4:1-11It's amazing how relevant the Scriptures are in our day-to-day lives. Even though they were written thousands of years ago, God still finds ways to impact our...

Jesus is a 'tough shepherd'
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BY CARLETTA ALLENOne of the perennial word pictures of Christ throughout Scripture is that of the shepherd. Today we are invited to see God in shepherd?s clothing. This vision can also be a mirror for us: which are we sheep or wolves, protectors or predators?Just a few weeks ago we, the...

Adam's Rib: An Encounter in China
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Night train to Pingyao: the international language DiscoveredBy Tom and Kathy BrunkowThe Rev. Tom and Kathy Brunkow celebrated Tom?s retirement in June with a round the world excursion. The trip was made possible by a gift of frequent flier coupons from their niece and nephew and other...

Church launches worshiping arts
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WASHINGTON, D.C. -Calvary Casa del Pueblo UMC recently launched the RUACH Worshiping Arts ministry with a three-hour worship service, featuring dance and music.The ministry has long been a dream of Pastor Faye Chandler to be an associate pastor and minister of worshiping arts at the church. A...

Churches join Frederick District Campaign
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article reprinted from the UMConnection: News May 19, 2004 On-line VOL. 15, NO. 10 NEWS Churches join Frederick District Campaign By John Coleman Jr.UMCONNECTION STAFF  As of May 10, 40 churches are participating in the initial planning and education stages of the...

Agency to aid in city?s ministry
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article reprinted from the United Methodist Connection MAY 1, 2002 On-line VOL. 13, NO. 9    Agency to aid in citys ministry By Melissa Lauber UMConnection Staff Members of a churchwide United Methodist agency recently visited Baltimore on a fact-finding mission to help...

Let us pray and pray and pray
Posted by Bwcarchives on

By Melissa Lauber  Prayer gives voice to our faith. Even those silent longings of the soul rise with the clamor of newborn stars, sung as hymns to the Creator.But lately I've noticed that my prayers, and those of many other United Methodists, are becoming tame. That doesn't mean they're not...

'Path Forward' key issue at annual conference
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BY MELISSA LAUBERUMCONNECTION STAFFThe 222nd Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference, May 25-27, will move the conference toward its vision and mission of growing spiritual leaders to make disciples and lead Acts 2 congregations. Clergy and laity from 692 congregations will gather at the Marriott...