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UMCOR expresses urgent need for medicine boxes
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NEWS AROUND THE NATION/WORLD  The United Methodist Committee on Relief has issued an urgent plea for medicine boxes to be sent to Indonesia and other countries affected by the recent tsunami.According to Associate Council Director Sandra Ferguson, financial contributions are always...

Three lessons define a lifetime
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 WALKING IN THE WORD     'LivetotheLord.'    BY MARY ALICE DOUTY EDWARDS Exodus 15:1b-11; 20-21Romans 14:1-12Matthew 18:21-35This week?s lectionary contains three messages that have been a part of me all my life.I was 5 when we...

Multi-site ministry unveiled
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BY BARBARA COWARDUMCONNECTION CORRESPONDENTAt a time when the nation is experiencing a decline in mainline church membership, new and creative methods of making disciples are being explored. One strategy involves a 'campus-style,' or multi-site model of ministry, one of which is taking shape in...

First steps to fulfilling a dream and a promise
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BY CHESTER JONESUnited Methodist News ServiceThough his voice was silenced by an assassin?s bullet in Memphis on April 4, 1968, at the young age of 39, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.?s words and ideals are still with us, still a part of our national and cultural consciousness. An assassin?s...

Camp is a slam dunk
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FREDERICK - Brook Hill UMC hosted its fifth annual Basketball Camp June 19-22. The camp served 40 children from the Frederick area, teaching not just basketball skills, but sharing Christian faith and providing a healthy morning snack and lunch, reported Shari Seek, the church?s office...

Bishop calls volunteers to Baltimore
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article reprinted from the United Methodist Connection MAY 1, 2002 On-line VOL. 13, NO. 9   Bishop calls volunteers to Baltimore By Dean Snyder UMCOnnection Staff In response to President Bushs national call for volunteerism, a United Methodist bishop is inviting Christians...