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Leaders discuss discipleship vision
Posted by Bwcarchives on

NEWS  by Erik AlsgaardUMConnection StaffBishop John R. Schol is on a mission ? a mission to engage every congregation in discipleship and every member in the discipleship journey. With a sense of urgency underlying his task, the new bishop of the Baltimore-Washington Conference...

Conference moves from snail mail to e-mail
Posted by Bwcarchives on

BY ERIK ALSGAARDUMCONNECTION STAFF From the time we are born to the day we die, humans communicate. Our methods of communication advance as we, and they, become more sophisticated. Today, many of us think nothing of sitting at our desk, at the airport, even at the coffee bar and reading...

This disciple stuff is scary
Posted by Bwcarchives on

BY JOHN COVINGTONHow obedient are you? When you hear that small voice nudging you, do you take action? I struggle. When the price does not appear too high I seem to do okay - like going back on the B&O trail and picking up a piece of trash, or perhaps saying a kind word to a stranger. When...

Church demolished to build new future
Posted by Bwcarchives on

BY CHRISTINE KUMARUMCONNECTION STAFFAmid the bustle of busy downtown Washington, D.C., traffic on the street and sidewalks slows as people take a second look - watching historic Mount Vernon Place UMC crumble.Part of the 90-year-old church is being demolished.In two years, the church will make...

But for the grace of God ...
Posted by Bwcarchives on

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