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Where is 'The 40 Days of Justice' book?
Posted by Bwcarchives on

COMMENTARIES  BY IRA ZEPPI've always appreciated the necessary balance of the priestly and prophetic in religion. But the notoriety of Rick Warren's 'Purpose Driven Life' has forced me to deeper reflection. Acknowledging the stature it has achieved by virtue of its publishing success...

This I believe
Posted by Bwcarchives on

National Public Radio airs a rather innovative feature every now and then, titled 'This I Believe.' Based on the old 1950s radio program of the same name, the segment offers regular people like you and me the opportunity to say, in their own words, what they believe. I?ve heard several of the...

Disciple-making demands unique expressions of faith
Posted by Bwcarchives on

BY MATT POOLEEcclesiastical Frankenstein, tattoo parlor, Bible fight clubs, and even sex were among some of the words shared with us at annual conference by the Rev. Jim Walker of Hot Metal Bridge Community Church. The church was started five years ago when Walker, a United Methodist pastor, and...

County land provides new hope
Posted by Bwcarchives on

article reprinted from the United Methodist Connection APRIL 3, 2002 On-line VOL. 13, NO. 7    County land provides new hope By Heather Nalbone UMCONNECTION CORRESPONDENT Two years of research and planning by one of the conferences youngest faith communities has finally...

Do ONE thing to fight hunger, poverty
Posted by Bwcarchives on

?The situation in Africa isn?t a crisis, it?s an emergency, maybe the greatest emergency of our time...?   I was at a technology conference in California last February when I heard those words. They were spoken by Bono, the U2 rock star and keynote speaker. Those words resonated with...