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Historical Society explores EUB roots
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BY MELISSA LAUBERUMConnection StaffBelieving strongly that 'the roots of the present go deep into the past,' members of the Baltimore-Washington Conference Historical Society met in May to hear about the continued restoration of Brannan Chapel as a museum space and to reflect upon the history...

Endowment Fund creates new cottage industries
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article reprinted from the United Methodist Connection MARCH 20, 2002 On-line VOL. 13, NO. 6 Conference Endowment Fund Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church   Endowment Fund creates new cottage industries DAVID E. BOHNERT UMCONNECTION CORRESPONDENT...

'Offer them hope,' VIM rally tells volunteers
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NEWSMAKE THE CONNECTIONSee or e-mail conference VIM coordinator, Sandy Rowland, at  BY LINDA WORTHINGTONUMCONNECTION STAFFLINDA WORTHINGTON/UMCONNECTIONSandy Rowland, right, listens as Fritz Buljubasic tells of his life in war-torn Bosnia, and his mission with UMCOR. The 35...

Houston, we have a problem
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By Erik AlsgaardMy friend Tim called the other day, upset that General Conference is moving from Richmond, Va., to Tampa, Fla., for its 2012 session. He wanted to know why.I told him it had to do with being sensitive to the fact that the Richmond minor league baseball team was named the...

Opportunities abound for older adults
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BY CHRISTINE KUMARUMCONNECTION STAFFGrowing old provides new opportunities to grow in one?s faith, more than 100 people learned when they met at West River camp at the Older Adult Day Apart Oct. 23.'It?s a beautiful time in our life, Jesus Christ gives us a chance to draw closer to him, ' said...

Churches urged to bring special offerings
Posted by Bwcarchives on

article reprinted from the UMConnection:  News Stories MAY 21, 2003 On-line VOL. 14, NO. 10 To learn more Historic Cemeteries Lovely Lane Museum (410) 889-4458 Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial (800) 471-9773 Bishops Initiative on Children and Poverty...