Showing items for 'Bwcarchives'
Teaser:The Rev. Jodi Jessup anticipates one of her Las Vegas idols and how that meeting reflects upon AdventIsaiah 40:1-11, 2 Peter 3:8-15a, Mark 1:1-8BY BARBARA JESSUPAnticipation. That's the theme of the lections for Advent. I know a little bit about anticipation. As a part of the Air Force...
Teaser:Jeff and Ellen Hoover, Baltimore-Washington Conference missionaires to the Congo, share stories of their ministry as teachersBY LINDA WORTHINGTONUMCONNECTION STAFFFor 15 years a war has raged in Eastern Congo on the border with Rwanda, making refugees of hundreds of thousands of its...
Teaser:A unique mystery brings Bible study and caring to women behind bars in JessupBy Carrie MadrenUMCONNECTION CORRESPONDENTJust before Thanksgiving, 42 Christian women spent a weekend in jail. The Kairos ministry team wasn't serving time, they were serving 36 inmates at the Maryland...
Teaser:With more than 4 million visitors expected in D.C., local churches are gearing up for a meaningful welcomeAs many as 4 million people are expected to visit Washington, D.C., during the inaugural weekend to witness Barack Obama being sworn in as this nation's 44th president Jan. 20. United...
Teaser:The Rev. Dean Snyder reflects upon the upcoming inaugural activities and how this event can provide opportunities for reflection and renewalBY DEAN J. SNYDERInauguration 2009 should not be like other recent inaugurations. We are facing an economic crisis that is already resulting in older...
Teaser:A mandatory conference policy is providing a way to keep children safe in United Methodist churchesAt Charge Conferences this year, churches are required to submit a new Safe Sanctuary plan. These plans, which were mandated at the 2008 annual conference session, take steps to assure that...
Teaser:The church goes green as it considers ways to become more faithful stewards of God's creationBY LESLI BALES-SHERRODUMCONNECTION CORRESPONDENTA new environmental stewardship task force is exploring how the Baltimore-Washington Conference can help its churches and people become more...
Teaser:A task force proposes a site for a new center for the Baltimore-Washington ConferenceBY BYRON P. BROUGHTSpecial to the UMConnectionA Baltimore-Washington Conference task force is recommending the purchase of a parcel of land for a new Conference Center in the Maple Lawn Development off of...
In November, 28 people from the Baltimore-Washington Conference, led by Bishop John Schol and the Rev. Susan Keirn Kester, embarked on a pilgrimage that traced the steps of the fourth missionary journey of the apostle Paul to Athens, Corinth, Malta, Syracuse and on to Rome.Journal of a Pilgimage...
By Linda GreenUnited Methodists on two continents have entered into a partnership to work toward "changing the spiritual situation" in Russia.Bishop Hans Vaxby of the Eurasia Area and Bishop John Schol of the Baltimore-Washington Annual (regional) Conference signed a covenant...