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Finding faith in in-between time'
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:Ordinary time in the Christian calendar offers opportunities to discover the extraordinary.Genesis 1:1-5; Acts 19:1-7; Mark 1:4-11By Jerry and Pam WickleinWhat do we do now? Christmas is over and we have time now to consider the act of God that we have experienced. It is six weeks before...

Journal reports due by Jan. 31
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Teaser:Conference committees, boards and agencies are encouraged to submit their annual reports to the conference secretary by Jan. 31 for publication in the Pre-conference report.The Conference Journal is the historic record of the life and actions of the Baltimore-Washington Conference.All...

UMCOR responds to Zimbabwe
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:Hyper-inflation, cholera, AIDS, poverty and political unrest threaten the well-being of people in Zimbabwe. The United Methodist Church responds.By Linda GreenUnited Methodist News ServiceA crisis of medical, political and economic proportions is threatening the resiliency and survival of...

Radical hospitality provides glimpse of God's Kingdom
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Teaser:Inauguration welcomes chance for church to be welcoming in bold ways.By Louis ShockleyHow do you express a genuine love: the love for the Lord Jesus Christ and the love we have for all who live in God's world with us?Tyrone Gordon, pastor of St. Luke Community UMC in Dallas, has written a...

Adventure: Bearers of the Word
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:Exploring evangelism through a prism of extravagant generosity God calls us to be extravagant with our faith - to live out loud, in a rainbow of living color. But too often, we limit the colors with which we fill our days. We mute our potential, and dull God's promise. However, with...

Churches called to oppose the death penalty
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Teaser:Churches called to oppose the death penalty By Beth ReillyWhile there are many social justice issues in which United Methodists feel compelled to engage, sometimes due to events and timing, it is appropriate to prioritize one issue. At this time, area United Methodists are being asked to...

Apportionment relief is on the horizon
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Teaser:Apportionment relief is on the horizon – Decrease in benevolence factor expected By Melissa LauberUMConnection StaffIn an effort to better equip local churches in uneasy economic times, congregations in the Baltimore-Washington Conference will be receiving an unexpected decrease in...

Nets prompt challenge
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Teaser:The congregation of Severna Park UMC challenges others to give to help eradicate malaria in AfricaBy John ClintonSpecial to the UMConnectionNothing but Nets is a powerful program, in which The United Methodist Church is in partnership with the National Basketball Association and other...

Like Paul, 'we prepare for the wonders that await'
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Teaser:The Rev. Hosea Hodges reflecs on a recent pilgrimageBy Hosea Lee HodgesEver since I can remember, I have been inspired by the life and story of the Apostle Paul. I recall reading the book "Finding Yourself in the Bible." The message of that book has had a major impact in my...