News and Views

Taking your church online
Posted by Alison Burdett on

The closings and cancellations that continue to add up in response to the spread of COVID-19 can easily cause fear and anxiety to swirl around our local church communities. In times like this, we long to get together to worship, to feel connected, and to be in fellowship. In light of recent...

The word is ... Do Good
Posted by Guest Author on

Ancient church mothers and fathers often greeted one another with the phrase, “Give me a word.” This greeting led to the sharing of insights and wisdom. Today we continue this tradition with this monthly column. Do Good By Mandy SayersLead Pastor, Glen Mar UMC, Ellicott...

UMCs tackle school lunch debt in Harford Co.
Posted by Erik Alsgaard on

A middle school student walks into her cafeteria and makes a beeline for the food. She picks out her favorite foods and takes the tray to the cashier. It’s then and there that she’s told: no deal. She’s not able to buy the food her peers can because she owes money for previous lunches. Instead...