News and Views

How can we keep from singing?
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By Sarah Dorrance* What does singing praise in church look like as we come out of quarantine? For that matter, what will choirs and music academies do without the gift of song being united in vocal artistry?  While none of us know that answer, we do know that Germany, in coming out of...

Webinar address disparities during coronavirus
Posted by Erik Alsgaard on

by Erik Alsgaard The coronavirus does not affect everyone the same. As more people become infected and, sadly, die, the death rates among African Americans, Latinos, and others are disproportionate to their numbers in the general population. In Washington D.C., the rate of death per 100,000...

Have we obscured The Gate?
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By Mike Cantley*  “I am the gate. “I am the gate.”  Jesus said this to those who had just excommunicated the now-seeing-but-formerly-blind man. He said this to those who had appointed themselves gatekeepers. Those asking… perhaps thinking, “Surely we...

To the graduates of 2020
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By Joey Heath-Mason* To the graduates of the class of 2020:  I offer a most heartfelt congratulations. You have done something incredible. You are a graduate with a degree or diploma that will go with you from this day forward. That is something to celebrate and worthy of marking this...