The coronavirus pandemic has shaken our culture and church to the core. As churches prepare to relaunch on-site worship, some congregations are noting opportunities for hope and new vision. Together, we’re beginning to hear the shared...
This week's Training Tuesday webinar, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., is a part of the "ReOpening, ReNewing, and ReStarting" series. The topic is "Discovering a Pathway to Peace When Life Feels Off Track." The presenter is James Tate.
Are you...
In this season of the coronavirus pandemic, congregations have learned how to be church in new ways. Now, as government leaders begin to consider how to reopen the public landscape, spiritual leaders will take on a new set of skills and...
Individuals, families, and communities experience trauma and losses (often multiple), including adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). They often struggle with healing the emotional and spiritual "fall out" from...
Local Churches in the Baltimore-Washington Conference have not worshipped together since March 8. At the time this webinar is being held, churches will have been shuttered for three full weeks and it appears that this may continue for at...
Some churches are reorganizing their administrative structure to either streamline decision making and/or to rightsize that structure. This class will provide tips and strategies from church leaders who are successfully utilizing this model and...
The role of Nominations and Leadership Development is more than creating the roster of leaders for church conference. This webinar enabled participants to learn strategies for helping members identify and develop their God-given gifts. ...
This webinar was led by Pastor Kevin Brooks of Mount Calvary UMC in Charlotte Hall.
During this session, Pastor Kevin Brooks of Mount Calvary UMC, reviewed the essential functions of the church council, and equipt the church council chairpersons...
During the class on Finance, participants examined church finance on a multi-dimensional level. The Finance class was led by Paul Eichelberger, the treasurer and CFO of the Baltimore-Washington Conference.
See the PPT...