What Is A Disciple?
03.23.22 | Leader Development, Discipleship Formation | by Christie Latona
What is a disciple? Explore this important question.
What is a disciple? Explore this important question.
Why are small groups important and how to you create them in your congregation?
Join Wally and Wally, two very different men, who came together in a mentoring relationship and learned over six years just what divides and what unites them. Questions for a daring conversation follow.
A church's website is its front door to the world. What impression does your church's website make?
Tax exemption refers to a monetary exemption which reduces taxable income. Tax exempt status can provide complete relief from taxes, reduced rates, or tax on only a portion of items. As a religious organization, your church qualifies for tax...
What is God's preferred future for your church? These tools give you a clearer picture.
Authors Michael Reeves and Jennifer Tyler explore the theology of giving in an book excerpt on Faith and Money.
In this video, Rev. Andy Lunt explores a church's natural life cycle and provides insights for your congregation.
by Christie Latona Strategic planning means different things for different people. When churches ask for strategic planning or visioning support, I have learned to ask the following: The mission of the United Methodist Church is "To make...
What copyright permissions are necessary to show. movies or movie clips at your church?