Ministry Resources

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    Enforcing Necessary Health Policies Tip Sheet
    02.09.22 | Covid-19 Resources

    All Tip Sheets Leaders, identified and equipped by the task force, must take responsibility for enforcing necessary policies to create a safe space for people who come into our church buildings to worship. (BWC Guidelines for Re-entering...

      Act Now to Protect Voting Rights
      01.19.22 | Advocacy and Action

      a call to action created by the National Council of Churches NCC's Statement on Voting Rights “As we question monuments made of concrete and mortar, Congressman Lewis’ life was a living monument to exemplary prophetic witness in...

        Advocacy and Action, 2022 Mission Statement
        01.05.22 | Advocacy and Action

        Make Visible the Good News in Communities and World The people of God, who are the church made visible in the world, must convince the world of the reality of the gospel or leave it unconvinced. There can be no evasion or delegation of this...

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