All Tip Sheets
Leaders, identified and equipped by the task force, must take responsibility for enforcing necessary policies to create a safe space for people who come into our church buildings to worship. (BWC Guidelines for Re-entering...
Every moment we have a decision whether to create more inclusion, diversity, equity and antiracism (IDEA) or less. This 8-session course will focus on six actions that you and community partners can take to grow in building beloved community...
Your District Missional Action Planning team (dMAP) is working to ensure that your church has the data it needs to develop meaningful relationships and ministry with your community using the ComparativeInsite report from MissionInsite...
This message and toolkit is created by Turn Out Sunday.
For the coming 2022 Midterm election, Democracy is on the ballot! It is our job as faith and community leaders to mount a vigorous nonpartisan campaign to equip our...
a call to action created by
the National Council of Churches
NCC's Statement on Voting Rights
“As we question monuments made of concrete and mortar, Congressman Lewis’ life was a living monument to exemplary prophetic witness in...
As United Methodists we “hold governments responsible for the protection of the rights of the people to free and fair elections” believing that “the form and the leaders of all governments should be determined by exercise of the...
The Faith-Based and Community Toolkit is a human trafficking resource to engage houses of worship and the community to help raise awareness of human trafficking and how to respond to the needs of victims or those vulnerable to harm. The Toolkit...
Make Visible the Good News in Communities and World
The people of God, who are the church made visible in the world, must convince the world of the reality of the gospel or leave it unconvinced. There can be no evasion or delegation of this...
Join us for this webinar where you will discover 4 opportunities for your congregation to take its next faithful step. During this webinar you will learn about the 4 Congregational Vitality Pathways, The Launch Initiative, the Catalyst...
This webinar will discuss: The benefits of the one board model; the steps to transition from several committees to this model; the kind of leader needed for this team; the ideal size of the team; and will provide a sample agenda/ structure of the...