02.09.22 | Covid-19 Resources
Set up your facilities as needed to support people in maintaining six feet of physical distancing from the time they enter the building and worship space until they exit. (BWC Guidelines for Re-entering Well, p. 4)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stresses that the primary rule for interrupting the spread of the coronavirus is to consistently practice physical distancing of six feet or more between people at all times. The Re-entering Well Task Force has likely already prepared the congregation for ongoing, significant changes in behavior at church to ensure that measures are in place to monitor and reinforce the practice of physical distancing.
Until CDC guidelines are revised.
Implementation Checklist
- Church facilities should be set up to ensure people can easily maintain physical distancing from the time they enter church property until they leave.
- Post clearly visible signs outside your church doors asking people to continue practicing physical distancing both inside and outside the church.
- Consider using every other or every third pew for family seating.
- Rope or tape off pews as necessary. See the model, below.
- At the completion of worship each Sunday, instruct congregants to exit by rows instead of all at once. Maintain six-feet of physical distancing and have ushers on-hand to ensure that there is no “bottle-necking” at any exit.
- Limit church bathroom use to the number of people who can simultaneously be in the space while maintaining physical distancing.
- Make sure signs are clearly visible outside the bathrooms to encourage this practice.
Additional Resources
- Workplace Prevention Strategies: To prevent and reduce transmission and maintain healthy business operations in non-healthcare workplace (COVID-19): https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/workplaces-businesses/index.html