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Church leaders testify to lawmakers in Annapolis
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By Erik Alsgaard & Melissa Lauber UMConnection Staff As the 2014 Maryland General Assembly session begins its final few weeks, Bishop Marcus Matthews and other Baltimore-Washington Conference leaders have been making their voices heard and presence felt in Annapolis. The bishop, along...

Bridging the past and future
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The theme of the 230th session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference is “Building Bridges: Be Love.” The logo features a bridge from every region in the Conference. From the Western Region, comprised of the Cumberland-Hagerstown and Frederick Districts, is the Burnside Bridge at...

Clean Closets for Campers
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By Andy Thornton Director of Retreat and Camping Ministry With an innovative, new fundraiser, the simple act of cleaning out your closet can send a child to summer camp. Andy Thornton, the director of the Baltimore Washington Conference’s Retreat and Camping Ministry, encourages every...

Bishop encourages laity, clergy on each District
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By Melissa Lauber UMConnection Staff You are the one. We are the ones that can make a difference in this part of God’s world, Bishop Marcus Matthews is telling the clergy and laity of the Baltimore-Washington Conference as he joins in conversation with them at district meetings over...

Rich church or poor: which are you?
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By Melissa Lauber UMConnection Staff Too many United Methodists today still love money more than Jesus. That’s one of the primary reasons they give, on average, only 1 percent of their income to the church. But churches can change that, said giving guru Clif Christopher. The...

Bishop's Lenten Letter
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March 5, 2014 Friends: Abraham Lincoln once told a story during the Lenten season:  “It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the...

Obituaries - March 5, 2014 - Lois Josephine Yeakel
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Lois Josephine Yeakel, 86, the wife of retired Bishop Joseph H. Yeakel. died March 5, 2014, at Colestock Nursing Home, Quincy Village, in Waynesboro, Pa., following a long illness. She and Bishop Yeakel were married 65 years. A service of Faith and Memories was held at Otterbein UMC in...