GC2012: Will restructuring save money?
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Feature Word:EconomicsFeature Caption:How much money will be saved by the proposed restructuring of the UMC?
Feature Word:EconomicsFeature Caption:How much money will be saved by the proposed restructuring of the UMC?
Teaser:Claiborne says it's fascination, not force, that creates disciples BY MELISSA LAUBER UMCONNECTION STAFF The church is standing at a threshold, confronting hope and challenge, open to the possibility of remembering who we are and what God is really calling us to be, self-described...
Teaser:Rev. Bonnie Scott explores the surprising similarities between Zumba and worship. BY BONNIE SCOTT UMCONNECTION CONTRIBUTOR My roommate was making converts, and I was a prime target. Three nights a week she would come home inspired and on a mission. "You've got to come with me next time!"...
Teaser:Do we really want to attract young adults, asks Rev. Bryant Oskvig. BY BRYANT OSKVIG UMCONNECTION CONTRIBUTOR "It is a waste of time and resources to chase after young people; maybe you have to have certain life experiences before you are ready for Christian discipleship." This...
BY LINDA WORTHINGTON UMCONNECTION STAFF Some 20 clergywomen sang in a special choir, celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Commission on the Status and Role of Women (COSROW) March 10. They raised their voices in the song "Nothing for the Journey" written by one of their own, the...
Teaser:Bentley Springs UMC opens new collection point for UMCOR relief supplies. BY MELISSA LAUBER UMCONNECTION STAFF Janet Denbow of Bentley Springs UMC in Parkton didn't expect tears to spring to her eyes at the consecration of Mission Central Hub 23. "It's silly to be crying about a hub,"...
Teaser:Church shares insights into its remarkable vitality. BY MELISSA LAUBER UMCONNECTION STAFF At Zion Wesley UMC in Waldorf, they worship a God of glory, of power and of surprises. Statistically, the church is a small one, but it has the celebrated distinction of being the first in the...
We have compiled information from across the North Texas Annual Conference, and we are relieved to report that, although 13 tornadoes touched down on Tuesday, April 3, there were no fatalities. There were numerous injuries, however. No significant damage to NTC United Methodist churches was...
Teaser:Ann London explores our call to build up God's Kingdom here on earth. BY ANN LONDON For the past year, I have been studying the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles with two groups of women. What a transformative experience this past year has been for all of us. It was truly an...
Following the shooting death of an African-American youth wearing a hooded sweatshirt in Florida, members of Emory Fellowship in Washington, D.C., wore "hoodies" to witness to social justice and the eradication of racism. Bishop John Schol and other church leaders also issued...