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Discovering blessings, even amidst a health crisis
Posted by Bwcarchives on

BY TOM CONNARHow excellent are the Lord?s faithful people! My greatest pleasure is to be with them.I have always been a pretty healthy guy, proud of the fact that I have been indisposed very few days because of illness or disease. My health issues usually have involved body repair (such as...

Church fair introduces missions
Posted by Bwcarchives on

BETHESDA - Nineteen different organizations and missions supported by North Bethesda UMC gathered in the church?s social hall Feb. 11, to tell their stories. 'The fair was a wonderfully warm, social and educational community outreach event,' said Gordon Cragg, a member of the missions organizing...

World AIDS Day - 2007
Posted by Bwcarchives on

World AIDS Day ObservanceEach year, World AIDS Day is observed on December 1. It is a time for special programs on HIV/AIDS education and religious worship services that focus on intercessory and healing prayer, hope in God, and love and compassion in the midst of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.We...

A new church start in East Baltimore (2)
Posted by Bwcarchives on

article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary January 21, 2004 On-line VOL. 15, NO. 2 NEWS A new church start in East Baltimore Andre Johnson, left, pastor of a new church start in East Baltimore, prays with Joe Murphy, the first member to join the fledgling...

Guns trivialize God?s protection
Posted by Bwcarchives on

article reprinted from the UMConnection: Letters to the Editor January 15, 2003 On-line VOL. 14, NO. 2 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR       Guns trivialize Gods protection I feel the need to respond to John Hoffmans letter Gun Control Kills People in the Jan. 1...

The family of the Council of Bishops
Posted by Bwcarchives on

article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary November 5, 2003 On-line VOL. 14, NO. 20 NEWS The family of the Council of Bishops BY ERIK ALSGAARDUMCONNECTION STAFFThe fall 2003 meeting of the United Methodist Council of Bishops arrived in the Washington Area this week...

MBS donates Bibles to youth at ROCK
Posted by Bwcarchives on

ERIK ALSGAARDA palette-full of Bibles were among 4,800 Bibles contributed by the Maryland Bible Society for the youth of ROCK 2005.BALTIMORE ? At the recent ROCK 2005 retreat in Ocean City more than 4,200 youth were given the opportunity to take a Bible home with them. The 4,800 Bibles were...

An Acts 2 connection from Mt. Zion to Namibia
Posted by Bwcarchives on

BY LINDA WORTHINGTONUMCONNECTION STAFFSarah McLaughlin, 19, from Mt. Zion UMC in Bel Air, will be starting college in a few weeks. However, she begins her freshman year with experiences under her belt that few can match. McLaughlin has spent more time in the mission field than many people two or...