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Rising heating costs to slam churches
Posted by Bwcarchives on

DAVID E. BOHNERTUMCONNECTION CORRESPONDENTThe rising costs of heating will have a dramatic effect on church budgets this winter, several pastors report.Estimates of the increase in the cost of heating oil in the conference range from 20 to 50 percent, depending on the specific location in the...

Pastor uses skills to build church in Maine
Posted by Bwcarchives on

DUNDALK ? When he saw the announcement in the e-connection, the Baltimore-Washington Conference?s electronic newsletter, it didn?t take the Rev. Ted Marsh, pastor of Dundalk UMC, long to respond to an appeal from the Northeastern Jurisdiction for volunteers to go to Maine to help build a...

Editorial: Facing the truth about church
Posted by Bwcarchives on

By Melissa Lauber'His face bespoke his soul,' said the philosopher Voltaire. 'God has given you one face and you make yourself another,' Shakespeare said.It?s amazing how many millions of faces there are in the world, and how unique each one is. Our faces are often maps of our spirit, emblems of...

Mid-year moves made by Bishop (2)
Posted by Bwcarchives on

article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary January 7, 2004 On-line VOL. 15, NO. 1 NEWS Mid-year moves made by Bishop The Rev. Vance Ross has been appointed as Associate General Secretary for administration with the General Board of Discipleship, located in Nashville...

Petition deadline draws near
Posted by Bwcarchives on

article reprinted from the UMConnection:  News Stories January 15, 2003 On-line VOL. 14, NO. 2     Petition deadline draws near By Erik Alsgaard UMConnection Staff Petitions going to the 2004 General Conference that wish to carry the support of the...

Delegates look beyond bureaucracy to ministry
Posted by Bwcarchives on

article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary October 15, 2003 On-line VOL. 14, NO. 19 NEWS Delegates look beyond bureaucracy to ministry BY MELISSA LAUBERUMConnection StaffNine clergy and nine lay people will represent the Baltimore-Washington Conference at the 2004...

Districts visit advocacy board
Posted by Bwcarchives on

article reprinted from the United Methodist Connection October 2, 2002 On-line VOL. 13, NO. 19        Districts visit advocacy board By John W. Coleman Jr. UMCONNECTION STAFF Two Baltimore-Washington Conference districts visited the United Methodist General...

Cluster dancers on the move
Posted by Bwcarchives on

PARKTON ? The Baltimore North Cluster Dance Choir is now rehearsing in earnest for performances during Lent, said Joan Patterson Laufer, who sometimes directs the choir.Current members are from Bentley Springs, Pine Grove in Rayville, Stabler?s and Mt. Carmel UMCs, all small churches in the...

Eighth-graders talk to legislators
Posted by Bwcarchives on

ANNAPOLIS ? Eighth-graders at St. Andrew?s of Annapolis UMC Day School in Edgewater joined conservationists and state legislators to make a case at the State House for a statewide moratorium on harvesting diamondback terrapins.Their effort, which ran through much of the school year, included...