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UMs urges to 'Make Hunger History' through advocacy
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NEWS  BY LINDA WORTHINGTONUMCONNECTION STAFF'United Methodists can make a big difference in the lives of hungry people by supporting Bread for the World, a 'Christian voice for ending hunger.' The 2004 General Conference urged congregations to participate in the struggle to end global...

Bishop to outline new evaluation, appointment system
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By Erik AlsgaardUMCONNECTION STAFF'I heard they do it with a dart board.'That?s how one pastor described how the bishop and superintendents make appointments.In reality, Bishop John R. Schol and the superintendents want pastors and laity to know how appointments are made. A series of meetings...

Donick case resolved
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ST. GEORGE ISLAND - The case of the Rev. Joseph Donick Jr., a pastor in the Baltimore-Washington Conference who died Oct. 8, after a fall, has been resolved.Donick, the part-time pastor of St. George Island UMC, fell down his porch steps during an altercation with a neighbor resulting from a...

Building sacred space together
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Nehemiah 7:1-4BY ANN FRALEYIt was always great fun to go to church with Aunt Josephine up in the mountains of Kentucky. She would plan with the neighbors to get ready for the weekend when the much-awaited circuit rider would visit Snively Chapel. The chapel was the first Methodist church in Pike...

Family (literally) makes church its home
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NEWS     BY MELISSA LAUBERUMCONNECTION STAFFRecently the congregation of Christ UMC in Cumberland surprised itself. When approached by a homeless couple with six children looking for shelter, they never considered calling an administrative council meeting. They didn't...

Life's worth living with Jesus
Posted by Bwcarchives on

 WALKING IN THE WORD    'All God wants is for us to make him our main focus.'   BY OLABISI A. DARAMYDeuteronomy 34: 1-121 Thessalonians 2: 1-8Matthew 22: 34-36One doesn?t have to look far in the Bible to learn an essential lesson. God is always...