Showing items for 'Bwcarchives'
COMMENTARIES by David C. thayerI am writing in tribute to a dear friend and colleague of mine, the Rev. Susan Thomas-Azud, and the legacy I believe she left behind for the clergy of the Baltimore-Washington Conference.Susan died last month. We met in seminary, at Duke Divinity School...
LETTERS TO THE EDITORIf we are honest, I think we would say that there are few things in life that are truly overwhelming. This hurricane and the horrible and tragic results that have come after would probably fit in the overwhelming category. It has been so painful to hear the accounts of...
200 Years AgoBishop Asbury?s Letters, May 18, 1806? Bishop Asbury wrote Daniel Hitt from New York. He will sell his wagon and procure a single carriage, he said. He wants General Conference to assure an ongoing episcopacy.100 Years AgoMethodist Protestant, May 9 & 16, 1906? Alnutt Memorial...
ANNAPOLIS -When Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf-coast area in August 2005, Trinity UMC, like hundreds of other churches, responded generously, raising $12,000 for hurricane relief. But the congregation wanted to do more to lend a helping hand.A 16-member mission team left Nov. 11 for Dulac, La...
Telling God's whole truthGenesis 26:6-11BY CAROLYN ANDERSONWe should all be able to relate easily to Isaac in the book of Genesis. He listened just enough to what God said about blessings to cause him to stay in Gerar, rather than go to Egypt. But he didn't listen enough to learn that whatever...
article reprinted from the UMConnection: News July 7, 2004 On-line VOL. 15, NO. 13 NEWS Conference youth prepare for trip to Korea By Linda Worthington UMCONNECTION STAFF The flag of South Korea. A dozen youth from the Baltimore-Washington Conference, their leaders and...
article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary AUGUST 6, 2003 On-line VOL. 14, NO. 14 NEWS Baltimore-Washington Conference Center on the move BY ERIK ALSGAARDUMCONNECTION STAFFEmployees and staff of the Baltimore-Washington Conference moved to a new location Aug. 1, the...
article reprinted from the United Methodist Connection JUNE 5, 2002 On-line VOL. 13, NO. 11 New co-directors of communications The Rev. Erik Alsgaard and John Coleman Jr. will become co-directors of the Office of Communications of the Baltimore-Washington...
EDWIN SCHELLBy Edwin Schell As the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference prepares to meet this May in Baltimore for the first time since 1986, this history column will include highlights of Methodism since it began in this historic area.1816The Asbury Sunday School Society in Baltimore...
COMMENTARIESBY KATHY L. GILBERTI have a gift for the children of Louisiana. It is enormous. I have no doubt it will make a huge difference because it came from the purest hearts and it was entrusted to me in love.This precious gift is tucked inside a wrinkled church bulletin. On the front are...