Showing items for 'Bwcarchives'
article reprinted from the United Methodist Connection MAY 15, 2002 On-line VOL. 13, NO. 10 Amid songs, UM Women look to worlds needs By Linda Bloom United Methodist News Service Their songs were joyous and uplifting, but the message was serious: whether by poverty...
COMMENTARIESby Joyce DerbyAt ROCK 2005 last month in Ocean City, more than 500 teens and youth leaders attended a break-out session I helped to lead, 'Recognizing and Responding to Teen Depression and Bipolar Disorder.'At the beginning of the session, most teens acknowledged by a show of hands...
GALESVILLE ? The congregation of Galesville UMC worshiped with Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Church on July 31, to celebrate the black church?s 125th anniversary. Ebenezer was the first church in Galesville.BALTIMORE ? In late June, John Wesley UMC, in response to a request from the...
BY CHRISTINE KUMARUMCONNECTION STAFFWith more than 765 years of experience in the ministry, 33 pastors will be retiring from the Baltimore-Washington Conference at this year?s 222nd session of annual conference.Since becoming ordained ministers, the group has witnessed many changes in the local...
UPPER FALLS ? Salem UMC is the home of an ecumenical ministry that provides food and other services to those in need. The Helping Hands Food Pantry is staffed five days a week by volunteers from several churches in the area. They distributed meals to 96 families a couple days before...
article reprinted from the UMConnection: News June 9, 2004 On-line VOL. 15, NO. 11 NEWS Service of Light & Life By Linda Worthington UMCONNECTION STAFFJOHN W. COLEMAN JR./UMCONNECTIONSaints of the church were remembered during the memorial Service of Light andLife May 30...
article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary JULY 9, 2003 On-line VOL. 14, NO. 13 NEWS Conference to co-host national church growth event By John Colemanumconnection staffThe Baltimore-Washington and Virginia conferences together will host about 600 United Methodists...
article reprinted from the United Methodist Connection MAY 15, 2002 On-line VOL. 13, NO. 10 United for Children United for Children is a Baltimore-Washington Conference ministry dedicated to the development of children trapped in extreme poverty in our sister conferences...
EDWIN SCHELL By Edwin Schell As the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference prepares to meet this May in Baltimore for the first time since 1986, this history column will include highlights of Methodism since it began in this historic area.1796General Conference in Baltimore named and...
COLUMBIA ? The Refugee/Immigration Ministries of the United Methodist Committee on Relief has issued certificates of recognition to three conference churches and an individual for their sponsorships of refugees during the past year.Baltimore Hispanic Ministry, First UMC in Hyattsville and Emory...