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UM History: March 1, 2006
Posted by Bwcarchives on

200 Years AgoBishop Asbury?s Journal, Feb. 14, 1806The Virginia Conference met at Norfolk and reported a gain of 2,398 members. Bishop Whatcoat ordained 12 deacons.100 Years AgoMethodist Protestant, Feb. 7, 1906Uniontown Methodist Protestant Church installed an embossed metal ceiling and led a...

Lord's Acre benefits the church
Posted by Bwcarchives on

WOLFSVILLE ? Delores Myers shows off the green and white 'Pine Tree' quilt she made, which was auctioned for $1,425 at Salem UMC?s 47th annual Lord?s Acre Festival Sept. 9. The Lord?s Acre program was developed as a means for small churches to raise funds. A portion or 'acre' of a church...

General Conference: A call to prayer
Posted by Bwcarchives on

A CALL TO PRAYER FOR GENERAL CONFERENCE 2008FROM THE CENTRAL TEXAS HOST COMMITTEETo be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.- -Martin Luther King, Jr.Just as prayer is as essential to the Christian life as breath, so prayer is essential to our shared...

Church pays it forward
Posted by Bwcarchives on

article reprinted from the United Methodist Connection MARCH 6, 2002 On-line VOL. 13, NO. 5    Church pays it forward BY MARY CAHILL UMCONNECTION CORRESPONDENT It was like Publishers Clearinghouse, but instead of Ed McMahon, Reisterstown UMCs pastor and missions...

Sudanese church leaders meet to consider future
Posted by Bwcarchives on

NEWS AROUND THE NATION/WORLD    by Fredrick NzwiliEcumenical News InternationalBJARNE USSING, DANCHURCHAID/ACT INTERNATIONALAsisa Ateib, from Korney in West Darfur, Sudan, is one of thousands of refugees living in camps along the Sudan border in Chad.A meeting of Sudanese...