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Leadership Council to unleash Pentecost spirit
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NEWS BY MELISSA LAUBERUMCONNECTION STAFFA proposed Leadership Council for the Baltimore-Washington Conference to equip and support lay and clergy people for the Discipleship Adventure is expected to produce fruits that rival those of the first century church described in the Book of Acts...

Out of the blue but not out of character
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BY KATHERINE CAMPBELLUMCONNECTION STAFFI?m always touched when I see someone who?s been through so much be so incredibly optimistic about life and their situation. These are the people who define the phrase 'count your blessings.' Janet is one of those people. She?s the recipient of my dad?s...

Monday night church has arrived
Posted by Bwcarchives on

BY CHRISTINE KUMARUMCONNECTION STAFFIt?s Monday night, 7:30 p.m. Are you ready for some church?The Rev. Mike Slaughter is. Slaughter, senior pastor of Ginghamsburg UMC in Tipp City, Ohio, is confident that Sunday morning no longer holds the attraction it once did for bringing people to worship...

Consensus grows as model for decision making
Posted by Bwcarchives on

article reprinted from the UMConnection:  News Stories March 19, 2003 On-line VOL. 14, NO. 6 Decisions in Consensus Consensus decisions are reached when one of the following occurs: all are in agreement; most agree and those who disagree believe the discussion has been full...

Young adults model worship party
Posted by Bwcarchives on

NEWS BY CHRISTINE KUMARUMCONNECTION STAFFWe can make a difference, we can make a change,' sang John Johnson, Director of Music of the contemporary service at Catonsville UMC, to more than 200 young adults and clergy at the young adult worship party May 28 from 9 p.m. to midnight.The event...