Showing items for 'Bwcarchives'
article reprinted from the UMConnection: News Stories March 5, 2003 On-line VOL. 14, NO. 5 A thrift shop that saves souls: pricelessBY YVONNE J. MEDLEYUMCONNECTION CORRESPONDENTTo purchase a great bargain for one dollar is great, but to find relief from an...
article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary December 3, 2003 On-line VOL. 14, NO. 22 NEWS Leadership Day 2004 Important Dates and Information Day's Schedule Catalog of Classes by Category Directions Mail-in Registration PDF Version MS Word Version...
article reprinted from the United Methodist Connection November 20, 2002 On-line VOL. 13, NO. 22 COMMENTARIES Beard Gun control can save lives BY MIKE BEARD When I think about how gun violence has shaped my own life, I think of the students at...
ERIK ALSGAARD/UMCONNECTIONThe Rev. Herb Watson picked up eight computers with the help of his Baptist neighbor. Before the day was over Living Springs, New Milton Ave., John Wesley, Calvary/Casa del Pueblo and St. Matthews UMCs all had computers to aid their programs.COLUMBIA - One corner of the...
BY CHRISTINE KUMARUMConnection StaffJerry Bitzel, a member of Mt. Carmel UMC in Parkton, woke up early to go to the hospital. He went because of an aneurysm. He was not worried; at the time, it was a routine procedure for him. But in the middle of surgery at the University of Pennsylvania...
SMITHSBURG ? The cornerstone for St. Paul UMC was laid on Saturday, Sept. 3, 1831, at 10 o?clock. This Sept. 3, the congregation came together to celebrate and honor the church?s 175th anniversary. The original deed for the property, dated July 27, 1831, was on display.During celebratory events...
Dear Sisters and Brothers,I am deeply saddened and troubled by yesterday?s shootings at Virginia Tech. In this tragedy we lost future doctors, engineers, church leaders, community leaders, workers, parents, and teachers. We lost people who would have made a difference in the lives of others. It...
article reprinted from the UMConnection: Letter From the Editor February 18, 2004 On-line VOL. 15, NO. 4 VIEWPOINTS MAKE THE CONNECTION MelissaLauber Identifying fears of the known and unknown Its not where...
article reprinted from the UMConnection: News Stories March 5, 2003 On-line VOL. 14, NO. 5 BMCR celebrates Black History Month The Baltimore-Washington Conference Black Methodists for Church Renewal celebrated Black History Month, Feb. 23, in a...
article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary December 3, 2003 On-line VOL. 14, NO. 22 NEWS Suggested Changes Web survey harvests insights into viewers needs Sheila Georgespecial to the umconnectionThe results are in for the Baltimore-Washington Conferences first-ever...