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Ordinands trace lineage to Asbury
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Teaser:12 Elders and 1 deacon ordained in historic service BY LINDA WORTHINGTON UMCONNECTION STAFF The Grand Ballroom of the Waterfront Marriott Hotel was filled with family, friends and church members who came to celebrate and worship with the 13 ordinands and the seven women and men who...

Conference shares story of extravagant grace'
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Teaser:Opening worship sets the stage BY CHRISTINE KUMAR UMCONNECTION STAFF The 225th session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference “drew the circle wide” when members from its 679 churches joined together in opening worship June 4. More than 1,320 clergy and lay members sang...

Budget builds on connectional system
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Teaser:Conference adopts a faith-based budget in challenging economic times BY MELISA LAUBER UMCONNECTION STAFF Staying a faithful course in the face of economic challenges and building on the church’s calling, mission and connectional nature were the foundations of the 2010 budget that...

Conference celebrates 225th session
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Teaser:An overview of the session that drew 1,400 United Methodists to Baltimore BY SHAUN LANE UMCONNECTION STAFF “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” – Acts 2:42-47 With an oven, a little cookie dough, and an open mind, a small church...

Bishop calls for unbound and outbound' church
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Teaser:Bishop Schol delivers his annual state of the church address BY MELISSA LAUBER The Baltimore-Washington Conference has begun to shake off the decline that has marked The United Methodist Church for the past 40 years as it builds a new season of Pentecost that is Spirit-filled and...

Obituaries - May 20, 2009
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Darlene Henry, 65, the wife of the Rev. Eddie L. Henry, died April 15 after suffering a massive stroke. The Rev. David Wentz officiated at a memorial service April 25 at Trinity UMC in Annapolis. The Rev. Douglas Hoffman participated in the service. Darlene Henry served with her husband...

Adventure: Mobilization to End Poverty
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Teaser:Helping to Wipe Out Exterme PovertyOver 1,000 Christian activists gathered in Washington, D.C., from April 26 to 29. The topic? Ending poverty. Attendees heard speakers from different faith perspecitves, met other activists and met with members of congress to discuss their concerns...

Making a Difference - May 20, 2009
Posted by Bwcarchives on

Thousands Of Shoes Show Darfur SupportMIDDLETOWN – Members of Middletown and Brook Hill UMCs joined area schools to collect shoes for the Shoes on the Mall display April 26 in downtown Washington, D.C. The shoe collection project showed support of families in Darfur, Sudan. With the help...

Guides Work in Mission in Galveston
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Teaser:Several BWC Guides worked together to rebuild a home destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. BY EVAN YOUNG SPECIAL TO THE UMCONNECTION The Extended Cabinet’s recent mission trip to Galveston, Texas, has stuck with me in ways I didn’t expect, and I believe there are some lessons...