Showing items for 'Guest Author'
Ancient church mothers and fathers often greeted one another with the phrase, “Give me a word.” This greeting led to the sharing of insights and wisdom. Today we continue this tradition with this monthly column.
By Rev. Mandy SayersPastor, Covenant UMC, Gaithersburg
Church leaders must have, more than other traits, a deep and abiding commitment to spiritual disciplines, Bishop LaTrelle Easterling, the bishop of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, often stresses when she speaks at churches. This commitment is not to show how holy these leaders are. Rather...
To address the inclement weather expected for Wednesday morning, the Bishop’s Lenten Day Apart with the clergy, (scheduled for Wednesday at First UMC Hyattsville) and the Worship Workshop with Marcia McFee (scheduled for Thursday at the Mission Center) are being combined.
Both events will...
This Lent, in the 40 days leading up to Easter, Bishop LaTrelle Easterling and Cabinet are calling upon the people of the Baltimore-Washington Conference to fast one day a week, as they are able.
The moderators of the Commission on a Way Forward are urging United Methodists to engage in reflections on where they see mission at the heart of the denomination as well as seeing mission as significant for resolving conflict.
United Methodist churches can now be listed on Guidestar data base.
As allegations of sexual misconduct rock Hollywood, the media and the U.S. government, United Methodist leaders acknowledge that the church also has seen such abuses of power. The Council of Bishops and Commission on the Status and Role of Women have released a statement responding to the #MeToo...
The Council of Bishops speaks out speaks out against President Trump's "offensive" remarks against immigrants
Ancient church mothers and fathers often greeted one another with the phrase, “Give me a word.” This greeting led to the sharing of insights and wisdom. Today we continue this tradition with this monthly column.
By Rev. Mandy SayersPastor, Covenant UMC, Gaithersburg
The cascading list of some very public figures being held accountable during this “Season of Reckoning” calls the rest of us men to account for a double standard we have allowed to exist for far too long, rooted in untethered, privileged male conduct.