News and Views

HOPP provides inspiration for missional vitality
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By Melissa Lauber “Better together.” That’s the foundational philosophy of HOPP, the Harvest Outreach People Project, that is drawing United Methodist churches in Wilmington, Delaware, together to resource them for becoming partners with people in their...

NEJ calls Special Session
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The Northeastern Jurisdiction College of Bishops, in consultation with the Committee on Episcopacy, has announced a Special Called Session of Jurisdictional Conference, to be held virtually Saturday, Oct. 15, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The two specific items on the agenda are: Hearing a report...

Water donations sought for West Baltimore
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The contaminated water situation in the Sandtown and Harlem Park communities of West Baltimore is critical. The city is providing water; however, not at the level of the need on the ground Resurrection West Cooperative Parish (Ames Memorial and Metropolitan United Methodist churches) is...

Living Well offers renewal for clergy
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By Melissa Lauber There’s a fable about a woodcutter, but it’s also about pastors: One day, there was a man cutting down a tree in the forest. A boy happened past, and asked, “What you are doing?” The woodcutter responded with the obvious answer, “I’m...

Sandy Ferguson remembered
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Sandra Ferguson, who served for decades as a leader in the Baltimore-Washington Conference, died Aug. 20. Her legacy lives on in those who walked with her in ministry and all those whose lives she touched. As a conference communicator, I had the privilege of witnessing her faith as it unfolded...

Singers sought for Lovely Lane Choral Festival
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 From Rev. Debra Scott This year marks the 250th  Anniversary of Lovely Lane United Methodist Church, the Mother Church of American Methodism. We are planning to celebrate this year in grand style by having a Choral Festival on Nov. 6, at 4 p.m. in our sanctuary, located at 2200...

Camp Joy: Repairing Homes, Changing Lives
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 Camp Joy  mission ministry is a time and place of intensive, immersive experiences of community, lived out in the midst of God’s beautiful creation, that highlight how our lives and our faith intersect.  For more than 30 years, youth groups from the Baltimore-Washington and...

Training Tuesdays offer focus on vitality
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Drawing together experts from throughout the Baltimore-Washington and Peninsula-Delaware Conferences and beyond, this fall’s Training Tuesday webinars will provide local churches with valuable resources as they grow in vitality.  The Rev. Bill Brown, who hosts the webinars, works...

Smith Island begins recovery after tornado
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Following any disaster, there are three prescribed steps and stages: relief, recovery, and rebuilding, the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) reports. But with the tornado that hit Smith Island, Md., on Aug. 4, a new stage opened up – access. Smith Island is a remote island, 12...

Justice and Healing for Native American Children
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The Peninsula-Delaware and Baltimore-Washington Conference Committees on Native American Ministries invite United Methodists to observe a special time of prayer and action from Sept. 30 to Oct. 6, as they remember the atrocities associated with tribal children once taken from their families and...