The Rev. David Simpson is set to retire – again – at the end of June. He tried to retire once before, in 2015, but ended up being called by Bishop Marcus Matthews to help out a church in need.
As a pastor, the Rev. Vivian McCarthy is always listening for what’s going on in the life of the community as it unfolds around Reisterstown UMC. Recently, she heard a story that was helping to shape the moral imagination of the people in her church and beyond.
The Baltimore-Washington Conference will achieve significant savings on its annual IT services contract with a new arrangement with the General Council on Finance and Administration’s Shared Services department. The savings represent nearly $75,000 per year, according to BWC treasurer, Paul...
“You Have the Power” is the theme of the 232nd Annual Session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, which will be held June 1-4 at the Wardman Park Marriott Hotel in Washington, D.C.
Ancient church mothers and fathers often greeted one another with the phrase, “Give me a word.” This greeting led to the sharing of insights and wisdom. Today we continue this tradition with this monthly column.
The New York Conference’s board of ordained ministry announced March 1 that it would not consider sexual orientation in evaluating a clergy candidate, even if that individual has a spouse of the same gender.
Love. Reverence. Awe.
It’s hard to think about the life story of Eunice Jones Mathews without feeling the compelling love of Christ shine through.
A church is not a building, but a group of people coming together with shared values. Part of the rich story of Methodism includes African Americans who chose to stay with the denomination despite being sometimes excluded or treated unfairly. Archivists hope churches and families will donate...
“91.66 percent!” The Council on Finance and Administration meeting are usually serious times of reporting and reflection. However, in the recent meeting on apportionment giving in 2015, the numbers danced. They literally twirled in the PowerPoint presentation.
There are many doors through which a person may enter a church. At Trinity UMC in Frederick, one of those doors has been a long-standing brass ensemble that plays at worship once a month.