Reviving a tradition that is more than a century old, the United Methodist Council of Bishops sent this letter today to the people of The United Methodist Church following the 2016 General Conference, held in Portland, Oregon, May 10-20. The letter reads as follows:
To the people of The United...
After fumbling to get my seat belt fastened on the plane, I was ready to go to Orlando, Florida, to attend the Exponential Conference at First Baptist Church.
What happens when local church leaders from the Baltimore-Washington Conference immerse themselves in learning how to plant new churches? Hopefully, multiplication.
More than 30 clergy and lay members from the Baltimore-Washington Conference attended Exponential 2016, an ecumenical conference for church planters in Orlando, Fla.
Exponential 2016, a three-day event held in Orlando, Fla., drew more than 5,000 church planters from around the world, including more than 30 people from the Baltimore-Washington Conference.
General Conference delegates on May 20 approved a general church budget of $604 million for 2017-2020, a slight increase over the $603.1 million approved at the 2012 General Conference.
A day after tabling potentially contentious legislation on human sexuality, General Conference 2016 moved through its calendar at a steady clip, possibly noticing that time to finish its task is running short.
This Open Letter to the Clergy Members of the Baltimore-Washington Conference below first appeared May 13 in the blog Cross + Purposes. It was written by the Revs. Charles and Stanley Harrell. Since then, several others have signed on to the letter. Their names are at the letter’s...
Last week it was debating how to debate. Today, it was voting on whether to vote. A day of tension, frustration and confusion ended in a decision to “put a pin in it.”
General Conference delegates hit the pause button on the denomination’s quadrennial debates related to homosexuality.