Bishop Felton Edwin May – 1935-2017
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Bishop Felton Edwin May, who served the Baltimore-Washington Conference from 1996 to 2004, died on Monday, Feb. 27.
Bishop Felton Edwin May, who served the Baltimore-Washington Conference from 1996 to 2004, died on Monday, Feb. 27.
The Rev. Robert Eugene Moales, 86, a retired Elder, died Feb. 24, 2017. The Rev. Patrick Ricker officiated at the funeral service March 1 at John Wesley UMC in Hagerstown. Robert Eugene Moales was born Sept. 21, 1930, in Charleston, W. Va., the son of the late Homer B. Moales and Eula M...
What are you giving up for Lent? That question is one that has haunted me for as long as I can remember. Growing up Catholic, giving something up for Lent was a given. It usually involved the removal of sweets or chocolate when I was a child. As an adult, it now involves giving up my favorite...
It is said that God loves a cheerful giver. If that’s true, then God must really, really love the people of Epworth UMC in Gaithersburg. During their African Celebration in Worship service Feb. 19, motivated by soul-stirring music from a hot praise band, church members, visitors, and even Bishop...
Rev. Russell Burdette McClatchey, 78, a retired Elder, died Feb. 10, 2017.Funeral services were held Feb. 18 at Hedgesville UMC in West Virginia, with the Rev. Dennis Jackman officiating. Russell Burdette McClatchey was born Nov. 20, 1939, one of seven children born to the late Christy and Mary...
General Conference delegates had their say last year. Now, it’s up to annual conference voters to determine whether five amendments will become part of The United Methodist Church’s constitution.
In an effort to explore the question, “Are Our Children at Risk?” through the sectors of food insecurity, climate change and racial bias, about 30 people gathered and many more participated online, as three experts brought answers to these questions Feb. 12 at the Baltimore-Washington Conference...
Bethany Korean Fellowship started just a few years ago, but on Feb. 7, they took a major step into mission, partnering with Meals on Wheels and BGE in an unusual outreach to the seniors in their Ellicott City community.
The savvy traveler knows that there is a whole world of places to explore which are important for our Methodist heritage, but do not have the word “United” anywhere in their name. Among the most significant – and beautiful – of these can be found in the heart of old Philadelphia.
Rev. Guy H. Johnson, 83, a retired pastor, died Feb. 14, 2017. A viewing was held at Goshen UMC in Gaithersburg Feb. 23, and a funeral was held Feb. 25 at First UMC in Hyattsville. The Rev. Yvonne Wallace-Penn officiated and the Rev. Shawn Wilson preached the eulogy. Also participating were...