Creation Care

All creation is the Lord’s, and we are responsible for the ways in which we use and abuse it. Water, air, soil, minerals, energy resources, plants, animal life, and space are to be valued and conserved because they are God’s creation and not solely because they are useful to human beings.”
— United Methodist Social Principles, ¶160

Today, we understand more deeply than ever before, the profound consequences of our failure to serve as caretakers of God’s creation. Ecological crises and extreme poverty are a reflection of our inability to share the abundance God has entrusted to our care. Ever-expanding scientific knowledge helps us better understand and informs our response to challenges ranging from the health impacts of environmental toxins to the threats posed by climate change.

United Methodists are called to a ministry of reconciliation between God, humankind and creation. In and alongside frontline communities experiencing environmental injustices, we are participating in God’s healing of creation. Through acts of personal, social and civic righteousness, United Methodists are modeling a new lifestyle and advocating for God’s people and God’s planet so that all God’s children can share in the goodness of Creation. In addition to exploring resolutions and resources available in the four categories below, BWC's Creation Care Team has put together these resources.

ALL congregations are invited to become a Host Site for the National Faith + Climate Forum. This is a live-streamed event to in-person gatherings. Hosts can receive up to $500 to support hospitality. Hosts will be invited to apply for grants of $500 and $1,000. 

Nuclear Hazards

The threat of global or regional nuclear war poses a dire threat to earthly Creation and Humanity. Global nuclear war would result in the death of billions of human beings and countless other living things. Regional nuclear war could result in the death of hundreds of millions and have dire global consequences from radiation, climate change, famine. Nuclear war was narrowly averted a number of times during the Cold War including the Cuban Missile Crisis. Nuclear disarmament efforts in the late twentieth century reduced the global number of weapons from over 50,000 to less than 15,000 at present. Yet these are enough to cause the above effects. Over the decades the United Methodist Church has spoken out on this topic: “...the production, possession, or use of nuclear weapons [is to] be condemned. Consequently, we endorse general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control.” United Methodist 2016 Book of Discipline, Social Principles ¶165.C

“...we reject the possession of nuclear weapons as a permanent basis for securing and maintaining peace. Possession can no longer be tolerated, even as a temporary expedient.” 2016 Book of Resolutions, #6129

We urge all United Methodists to be informed on this issue and advocate with government officials to negotiate further reductions in nuclear arms using the resources below.

BWC Creation Care Team Chairperson

Minister Sharee Wharton

Creation Care Calendar

In your everyday choices, you can express gratitude to the Creator and Care for Creation. Here are some suggestions. Share these tips with your family, friends, and congregation.


United Methodist Book of Resolutions: (LINKS TO BE UPDATED SOON)

Creation Justice Ministries

One Home One Future

Blessed Tomorrow

The BWC Racial Justice Legislative team hosted a webinar with Rabbi Nina Cardin of the Maryland Campaign for Environmental Human Rights. The presentation recording can be found here. Rabbi Cardin addressed this amendment, its path through the Maryland Assembly, and how we can faithfully advocate for it. Please sign this petition here and support the Maryland Campaign for Environmental Human Rights. Call your legislator and tell them you support the Environmental Human Rights Amendment.