01.03.23 | Advocacy and Action, Gun Violence Prevention, Immigrant Rights, Creation Care, Restorative Justice, Gender Equity, Racial Justice
Join the Baltimore-Washington Conference and the Peninsula-Delaware Conference for our 2023 Legislative Advocacy Days! Legislative Advocacy Days are an opportunity for United Methodists to meet their representatives and advocate for United Methodist values. This allows the voices of United Methodists to be heard and considered when our representatives make important decisions that impact the lives of our communities.
Maryland residents are invited to join the Baltimore-Washington Conference for Maryland Advocacy Day on March 16th, 2023 in Annapolis, Maryland.
All United Methodists and friends of United Methodists, regardless of their place of residence, are invited to join the BWC and Pen-Del for National Advocacy Day on March 29th, 2023 in Washington, D.C.
Delaware residents are invited to join the Peninsula-Delaware Conference for Delaware Advocacy Day on April 27th, 2023 in Dover, Delaware.
Why should United Methodist take part in Legislative Advocacy?
As Christians, we are motivated by our wholehearted faith in God whom we know through Jesus Christ to love our neighbor and to care for creation so that all can flourish and experience abundant life (John 10:10). Our mission as United Methodists is to “make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world”.
Together with millions of faithful people who accept God’s call to meet immediate needs: offer acts of care, compassion, and mercy, we feed the hungry, visit the sick and imprisoned, clothe the naked, welcome the sojourner, and in the process, we encounter Jesus (Matthew 25:31). We reduce the distance between those who suffer and those who have the ability to respond to that suffering. We also pray as Jesus has taught us to pray and participate in bringing about God’s realm in heaven right now on this earth (Matthew 6:9-13).
We desire the beloved community and common good for all people and all creation (Acts 11:1-18). We begin to surrender not only our personal habits and preferences that promote injustice, but also promote policies in our society that reflect God’s abiding desire for justice and equity, peace, and wholeness.
Legislative advocacy happens when people of faith are motivated by these convictions. While mercy ministry often will offend no one, when we pursue justice through legislation we will find ourselves likely offending someone. Why? Because we not only care about those who suffer but we look for the causes that perpetuate their suffering. We work to repair what is broken in people’s lives, communities, and our entire society. Informed by the teaching and positions of The United Methodist Church we build relationships and work closely with legislators to shape bills in the County, State Assembly, or U.S. Congress that best reflect our social teaching. This can take place in our conversations with decision-makers or it can be part of a larger campaign that mobilizes thousands of supporters through letters, emails, and phone calls. It takes place in church fellowship halls or in the halls and offices where legislators meet, or it can happen in the diverse neighborhoods where we live, learn, work, rest and worship.
Read more about United Methodists taking part in legislative advocacy here.
What are the Legislative Priorities that we will advocate for?
Check back here for updates and fact sheets!
Maryland Advocacy Day
Creation Care: Energy Savings Act HB0904 | SB0689
• Energy Savings Act Fact Sheet
Gun Violence Prevention: JaeLynn’s Bill HB0307 | SB0858
Mass Incarceration/School to Prison Pipeline: Safe Harbor and Service Bill HB0297 | SB0292
National Advocacy Day
Housing Rights: Affordable HOME Act (H.R.5385)
Immigration Rights: Removal of Title 42
Voting Rights: Freedom to Vote Act (S2747)
Delaware Advocacy Day
Gun Violence Prevention: Bill TBA
Creation Care: Bill TBA
Housing Rights: Bill TBA
Can I register for multiple Advocacy Days?
Yes, you can register for multiple Advocacy Days! Simply create a new registration after completing your first registration for the second advocacy day you would like to attend.
Please note that if you are not a resident of Delaware or Maryland, you should not register for that state's Advocacy Day. This is because you will not have a representative to meet with that represents your state/district. Only Delaware residents should register for Delaware Advocacy Day, and only Maryland residents should register for Maryland Advocacy Day.
All are welcome to register for National Advocacy Day as you will be able to meet with your state representatives in Congress.
Registration Deadlines, Pricing, and Student Discounts
The price of registering for a Legislative Advocacy Day includes lunch and resources we will provide to guide your visit with your representative.
Maryland Advocacy Day
With Lunch: $15 (ends March 2nd)
Without Lunch: $5 (ends March 15th)
National Advocacy Day
With Lunch: $15 (ends March 21st)
Without Lunch: $5 (ends March 28th)
Delaware Advocacy Day
No Cost
Student Discount: Please email
for a student discount code before you begin the registration process. Discounts cannot be applied after registration has been completed.
Details for Delaware Advocacy Day
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2023
Time: All Day Event (Specific times will be announced as soon as possible)
Meeting Location: Wesley United Methodist Church | 209 S State St, Dover, DE 19901
Details for Maryland Advocacy Day
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2023
Time: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Meeting Location: Asbury United Methodist Church | 87 West St, Annapolis, MD 21401
Agenda: To Be Announced
Details for National Advocacy Day
Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Time: All Day Event (Specific times will be announced as soon as possible)
Meeting Location: United Methodist Building | 100 Maryland Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002
Attendance Limit: Due to COVID-19 regulations, this event will be capped at 40 registrants. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Agenda: To Be Announced