Evaluation and Advisories
All clergy and congregational evaluations are due December 1, 2017. Evaluation are entered directly into the Arena Self Service Application using your Arena username and passwords.
Baltimore-Washington Conference Closing
The Conference Mission Center will be closed...
A Thanksgiving message from District Superintendent Rev. Dr. Wanda Bynum Duckett.
Important: Clergy & Laity Gathering On Tuesday,November 14th
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Thank you for holding the date for a gathering of the laity and clergy of the Washington East District. I praise God that plans are coming together for us to spend time together in a...
Bishop’s Day on the Washington East District Postponed!
The bishop’s time with the Washington-East District has been postponed, but I am asking you to continue to hold the date (November 14). Bishop LaTrelle Easterling received last minute notice that she is being honored by the...
Prayers of the People
The Annapolis District would like to pray for and congratulate the Rev. Ann Laprade, who was installed on Sunday, October 15, 207 as the superintendent of the Baltimore Suburban District. The Rev. Wanda Duckett will be installed as...
Trinity UMC (Catonsville) is seeking a part time Office Assistant
This may seem like an off-season way to greet you on this September day. After all, we usually wish each other season’s greetings at Advent and Christmas. This isn’t Christmas, but it is somewhat of an ‘advent’ in terms of the anticipation and shift that this season represents. This is quite a...
How we can help in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey
We pray for all those affected by the ferocity of Hurricane Harvey, which inundated the Texas Gulf Coast with catastrophic flooding this weekend, causing damage that weather watchers have called "unprecedented." The United Methodist...
Upcoming events in the Baltimore Metropolitan district.
Important News from the Baltimore Metropolitan District