Event updates
• April 18 ~ State of the Church Replay the State of the Church webinar and read the highlights from the meeting -- https://www.bwcumc.org/article/state-of-the-church/• September 12 ~ BWC Annual Conference SessionThe 2020 BWC Annual Conference...
The BWC's response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Churches within the Baltimore-Washington Conference have been meeting remotely for worship for three weeks. This week, following the mandates of area governmental officials, Bishop LaTrelle Easterling has directed BWC churches to continue...
News & Events
Event Updates • April 18 ~ State of the ChurchIn compliance with the gathering limits, the Pre-Conference event has been cancelled. In its place, a virtual State of the Church meeting will be held online. Information on financial relief...
The Baltimore- Washington Conference entered a new age of training with the inaugural Connect Leadership Summit, held March 7 and 14 in four regional locations.
Youth/Youth Leader Opportunities:
Youth Member at Large for Annual Conference
Every year, three youth per district have the opportunity to serve as youth members at large to Annual Conference. As a youth member at large, youth get to experience holy conferencing and participate in all...
News & Events
February 29—Registration deadline is 8 Days Away!
Connect Leadership Summit: Sat., March 7, 2020 ~ 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., River Hill High School, 12101 Clarksville Pike, Clarksville, MDDon't miss...
News & Events
FEBRUARY OFFERINGS• February 7-9—ROCK 2020 ROCK 2020 will be held at the Convention Center in Ocean City. The weekend retreat and revival for youth will feature Aaron Shust (My Savior, My God and My Hope is in You) leading praise and...
Sailing from Relationship ... ...Discipleship
BWC Scholarship application opens January 3, 2020!
Once again, the Baltimore-Washington Conference will be awarding scholarships for qualified students currently attending college, as well as high school seniors who plan to attend...
Regional breakouts at ROCK - register today: This year at ROCK, there are new, exciting breakout sessions on Saturday evening. Join with churches from your region for a time of connecting with one another and with the District Superintendents and District Youth Leaders. Youth...
Bishop LaTrelle Easterling is calling the people of the Baltimore-Washington Conference to a time of study, prayer and fasting. Her call coincides with a new proposed Protocol of Reconciliation and Grace through Separation, a proposed structuring of The United Methodist Church by separation...