Week 1: Seek Truth
Scripture Readings:
Numbers 21:4-9 – The Bronze Snake’s Healing Power
John 3:1-21 – Nicodemus Visits Jesus
Notice the role of questions in these Scripture passages. When we’re broken, when we’re feeling less than whole, we turn to God seeking direction. New life is ours if we are willing to open our hearts, claim the courage to not take the easy path and live among the deepest questions. Today, in this pandemic, we wear masks to protect and preserve life. But how willing are we to discard our metaphorical masks and stand with vulnerability before the mirror as we seek truth?
No More Masks
God of Truth,
What would happen if we removed our masks?
If we removed our masks and stood
in truth before you?
If we removed our masks and stood
in truth before one another?
If we removed our masks and stood
in truth before the mirror?
Strengthen our faith that we might know the
burden of the mask is unnecessary before you.
Reveal the joy that could be ours if we really accepted others as you created them.
Encourage our hearts that we might understand
the shalom of loving our true selves.
No more masks. Amen.
– by LaTrelle Miller Easterling, October 31, 2014
Moment of Reflection:
Nicodemus comes seeking light, even as he uses darkness as a cover. Do you ever wrestle between darkness and light? What is one area in your life in which you hide your true self by putting on a mask or cover? How does this mask separate you from who God intends you to be?
If you are doing this study in a small group, take turns sharing your response. After each person speaks, the group will respond:
“Be born again of the Spirit. Know that God loves you beyond measure, just as you are.”
After you have finished sharing, discuss:
- In what ways do our masks keep us from being truly born anew?
- How might your faith community help one another to seek truth and remove the burden of the metaphorical masks we all wear?
Closing Hymn (choose one):
“Lord of the Dance,” UMH #261
“What Wondrous Love is This,” UMH #292