Presenter: Dr. Teresa Holder, Ph.D., Professor of Communication and Head of the Department of Communication at Meredith College
Meeting planning and unexpected meeting dynamics can present challenges and limit any well-intentioned team or...
Presenter: Rev. Bill Brown, Director of Innovative Evangelism
Most churches say they need more volunteers. But answer this honestly: What is your theology of serving? How well is your church equipping people to offer their spiritual gifts...
This webinar will discuss: The benefits of the one board model; the steps to transition from several committees to this model; the kind of leader needed for this team; the ideal size of the team; and will provide a sample agenda/ structure of the...
This webinar will explore how Covid has changed the way people are engaging in church in general and how to re-engage them so that they are willing to do the critical work of ministry.
Presenter: Janice Harmon
Spiritual gifts are the grace of God at work within us, empowering us to match our deep passions with the world's deep need. Why not use these grace gifts to build and strengthen our church communities? The...
Presenter: Kay Kotan
Are you tired of unproductive meetings that seem to go on forever? Does your church have more leadership positions than people to fill them? Do meetings occur without ever discussing how ministries align with the...
Presenters: Linda Flanagan - Director of Lay Servant Ministries, Deborah Sims - Frederick District Director of Lay Servant Ministries, Carol Travis - Greater Washington District Director of Lay Servant Ministries
We are all called to...