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Youth glean fields for Harvest of Hope

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Youth glean fields for Harvest of Hope

NEW WINDSOR ?The Discipleship Adventure at St. Paul?s UMC has led the youth to think about the hungry and to take action in a weekend gleaning process.

Twelve youth and four leaders spent July 6-8 at UM Camp Occahannock in Exmore, Va., on the Eastern Shore, picking up potatoes as part of the Society of St. Andrew?s Harvest of Hope.

Farmer Joe Black donated a large part of his potato harvest of 15,000 pounds to the Harvest of Hope. Volunteers will distribute the potatoes to hungry people in cities along the Atlantic seaboard. In the Baltimore-Washington Conference, United Methodist Men have helped in the past to distribute the spuds.

The youth made a covenant while there to continue and perhaps grow their involvement in helping to feed hungry people.

They have started a gleaning project in their own community, where they will glean seven rows of farmer Ron Williams? cornfield, and donate the ears to the local food bank.

'We will feed the hungry both physically and spiritually,' said the Rev. Helen Armiger.



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